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The naughty dog ​​created one of the most amazing scenes here

The naughty dog ​​created one of the most amazing scenes here

In an interesting article published by Kamasutra, some statements by Pete Ellis, the designer of Naughty Dog, remotely explained how the Sony software home was created One of the most amazing scenes Currently Our last part II [Possibili spoiler minori].

The scene in question is relevant Workplaces where the player goes to upgrade and access their weapons. Usually, when we get to these levels the tension that accumulates during the study and battle phases is eased, but those who play the title will remember a particular situation The naughty dog ​​developers wanted us to play a bad joke.

During Chapter 3, ours Ellie is suddenly attacked when she is busy changing her weapons In a workplace. This is a completely unexpected event because the player sees it as a break from the real game. Naughty Dog Goal With The Lost Of S Part II – Neil Truckman Said It Right Now – Always Never make the player feel safe And Can constantly shatter his expectations:

“My idea was to hoard him when the player was on the menus for two reasons: first Emphasize the feeling of loneliness; If the player is not alone, Dina can warn or protect Ellie, and she will not be lurking. Second Emphasize that you are never safe in the world of our last part II. I have read many tweets after this meeting that they no longer feel safe at the counter and despite the stress to the players. For us it was a success – Our world had to be infiltrated with a sense of tension. “.

However, the development team did not want to create a scene that was unfair to the player. During the first prototypes, Some beta testers said they were dissatisfied with the results, They felt it was unreasonable to attack from behind after clearing the enemy’s room. For this reason, Ellis thoughtIntroduce a closed room from which the attackers will emerge. There are also some environmental clues to understand that we should not be alone: ​​in fact some plants are surrounded by mounds and manure in good condition, suggesting that someone lives in the area. At one point, suspicious sounds were also added, making it very easy to guess what would happen, so they were removed in the final version.
But are there ways to avoid being attacked at the same time and to use the workplace? OK Yes: Apparently it would be enough to place the tunnels near the threshold, from which the enemies would jump out and let them dry and ambush. Above you can see the sequence in question. You too have fallen victim to an ambush designed by Pete Ellis?

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