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The most anticipated games of 2021

The most anticipated games of 2021

The message is vague: Nintendo will not drop the switch. Amidst epidemic-related difficulties, the release of the new generation consoles and the rumored Switch Pro (which could see the light of day in 2021), The big N does not give a damn and goes straight its way. This will be an important year for the future from the successful Nintendo-branded hybrid console, which is now at full capacity at its maturity stage. Some releases, from Bayonetta 3 to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, if nothing else, Switch 2021 is nothing, but without significant releases. Will this be the expected revenue of Nintendo direct canons? We will find out in the coming months, but in the meantime let us know in the space reserved for your personal favorite ideas that you would like to experience through Joy-Khan.

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Anger – February 12

Super Mario 3D World is getting ready to return to the Nintendo Switch with a deluxe version, enjoying the same treatment as other Wii U games like the Pigmin 3 (learn more, our here Pigmin 3 Deluxe Review), The new Super Mario Brothers U, Donkey Conte County Tropical Freeze and Hirol Warriors.

In addition to all the original content for singles and multiplayer, In this new version Bowser’s Fury D.L.C., You can guess from the title of the famous enemy of the Nintendo logo. Extra pack that will make the wrath of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser even more enjoyable for those who have already played the original version of Nintendo Adventure.

Ghost n Coblins Resurrection – 25 February

Capcom dusts off the historical Ghost Goblin series with the resurrection of Arthur Saga’s true remake of Ghost n Coblins. The most popular Ghost n Coblins in the 80s and early 90s then enjoyed the fogging period, with the last episodes being released exclusively on mobile in the early 10s.

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What does the resurrection, as the name implies, mean, the beginning of a real second life for Capcom’s muddy nightmare? Although production values ​​in the field are low, The resurrection of the Ghost Goblin may be the perfect key to getting to know this brand even for new players.

Bold Default 2 – February 26

After a demo released in Switzerland last March, Brave Default 2 is set to arrive exclusively on the Nintendo console on February 26th next year.

That’s one A game in which you take part in a methodical battle He follows the adventures of four characters: a sailor named Seth, a mercenary named Adele, a wandering scholar named Elvis and Gloria, an exiled princess.

Monster Hunter Rice – 26 Marzo

Monster Hunter: Rise is The first title of the series will be created exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. For this occasion, Capcom has decided to use a compatible RE engine.

The Rice Classic Formula is a favorite of fans, based on increasingly scary monster fights and your hunter’s customization. In this episode Kane is also introduced, the protagonist is a kind of wolf who can ride fast to reach prey. If you want to know more, here is ours Monster Hunter Rice Preview.

Monster Hunter Stories 2 Wings Destruction – Estate

2021 will feature the release of Monster Hunter Rise for the Nintendo Switch, but next summer Copcom will release Monster Hunter Stories 2 Wings of Roue, which is a sequel to the original episode released on the Nintendo 3DS (you can see it here) Monster Hunter Stories Review).

Monster Hunter Stories 2 blends mixed hunting dynamics with RPG elements and focuses on story-based and storytelling. The game looks like one Good combination between an RPG and a hunting game, With an anime-style writing design and a story full of twists, said (more) by the use of long cutskins.

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No Heroes3

Sooda51 is working on one of the most important series of his career: No More Heroes 3, which is expected exclusively in Switch, will resume events Travis Touch Town, now facing a very insidious danger.

In fact, eight years before the events of the game, it seems that a boy took care of a wounded little stranger named FU, and then, after he recovered, greeted his savior with the promise of seeing him. A promise has been fully fulfilled because the FU is now threatening the entire planet with its terrifying forces.


An entirely Italian product, signed by the Knapps’ Messina editors, Baldo was able to present himself to the public on a highly prized virtual platform. Ambitious Indy actually debuted during a Nintendo Direct, which impresses people with its revealing trailer Imagination à La Studio Kipli and The Legend of Zelda.

Action adventure with puzzle elements, the title draws very nicely a magical world full of heroes, bizarre creatures and of course dangerous dangers. Originally expected in 2020, Baldo was postponed: Sicilian teachers will have to wait until 2021 to find out what they have.

Shin Megami Tenzi Vs.

Announced during the Nintendo Switch presentation event in January 2017, Shin Megami Tenzi V lost track until July 2020, when the game appeared at the Summer Direct of Kyoto home. On this occasion Atlas has released a short trailer confirming the release in 2021.

The spirit of SMT V history seems to remain unchanged, What are the main features of the series such as the excellent characterization of the characters, the dark atmospheres and the plot full of twists, all of which are connected with a traditional and now widely tested game.


Many years have passed since the presentation of the Bayonetta 3, but since then Platinum Games and Nintendo have shown practically nothing in the game, which is shrouded in mystery. 2021 should be (logically) the perfect year for the return of the witch exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

We hope to find out more in the first few months of next year: After a project like Astral Chain, the undeniable value of the saga seems to be insufficient (incidentally, The Astral Chain Review Has a click from you) Expectations for the new Platinum game are really sky high.

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The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2

Without protecting the entire video game audience, on E3 2019, Nintendo announced the continuation of the famed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Communication was with a teaser trailer, however, no official information was followed.

Even today, there is no definitive title for the much-anticipated production It is not clear when to see the light on the Nintendo Switch. The most recent rumors point to the return of the link in the run-up to the 2021 Christmas festivities: players can wait with the Hirol Warriors as they finally wait for the official The Age of Calamity, as well as the precursor to Breath of the Wild.

New Pokemon Snap

Another game has been announced and then disappeared from the radar, and the new Pokemon Snap is likely to make its debut on the Nintendo Switch in 2021.

The new Pokemon Snap is not a remake of the game released in 1999 on the Nintendo 64, but rather A new adventure Only partially inspired by its predecessors, we face new places to photograph many wild Pok பலmon in this regard.Phototex“, Photo Pokitex of Monsters.