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Représentation de la sonde Lucy à proximité d'un astéroïde troyen. © Nasa, Southwest Research Institute

The Lucy study embarked on a long journey to confront the “fossil” asteroids

On October 16, NASA launched the Lucy Exploration, a new spacecraft called “Trojan” asteroids located in the same orbit as Jupiter. After a successful start, Lucy’s mission is expected to last 12 years and help provide researchers with the keys to understanding the formation of the solar system.

Is Lucy on track to become the new primary investigator? NASA ? Study Launched Saturday, October 16th At 11:34 a.m. (French time), the rocket took off Atlas v From Kennedy Space Center To Hat Canaveral, In Florida. An hour later, Lucy Separated from the second floor Initiator. In about thirty minutes, the study’s solar panels were quickly deployed, thus starting the power supply phase. Energy Tools. This is the beginning of 12 years of space exploration for Lucy, who experiences disappointment just hours after launch.

The first technical problem encountered

The US space agency quickly confirmed that the panels were open and working properly, but one problem was quickly pointed out: one of the two solar panels Badly locked. However, NASA engineers promised that the power to the study would continue properly. In an October 17 press release, the company explains The team is currently analyzing the data from the device and developing a solution to fully understand and stabilize the situation Solar panel.

If NASA wants to be optimistic, its impact is hard to predict Disorder In the long run. Solar panels play an important role in this Behavior of the task. In the 800 kg study (blank), the two solar panels weighed 154 kg, or 77 kg each and each had a diameter of 7.3 m. Closing such an area would allow the investigation to continue Light Issued from சோலைல் It flies in the suburbs anytime Thursday, l ‘Around the circular path Of the planet and Trojan meteorites Being too far fromStar, At 747 million kilometers (or 5 Astronomical units)

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A long and unique journey

Lucy thus embarks on a six-year long journey Asteroids Said ” Trojans “.The latter are groups of many asteroids located in orbit around Jupiter Lockrange points L4 and L5, after or before 60 Gas giant. This study will take place in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The device will operate first Gravity help Orbit the planet in October 2022, and then a second in December 2024 Speed As it approaches 108,000 km / h, Lucy will set out to meet the Trojans. When crossing him Asteroid belt Between Mars and Jupiter, in 2025, the study will briefly fly (52246) Donald Johansson, one of the region’s key systems The Solar System.

The arrival of the Trojans L4 Sector will not take place until August 2027. Lucy will give you her weapons to start studying composition and music. Geography Of the four asteroids: (11351) Lucos, (15094) Polymel, (21900) Oros and (3548) Euripat, 11351 Lucos. In 2030, Lucy, 640 kilometers from Earth, will be assisted by a third and final gravitational pull, before moving on to the final stage of her adventure: Lockrange Point L5. Then she will fly over it Dual asteroid system (617) Made by Petroclus and Menatios.

NASA has no plans to extend Lucy’s mission beyond 2033. Within that, it should give us the key to understanding the history of the solar system. Current distribution of planets Around the sun, called the good model.

Who is Lucy, the space explorer who will leave on Saturday for a long journey?

By article Dorian Schapemester, Released on 10/16/2021

On October 16, NASA launches its Lucy Exploration, which will orbit Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids in the same orbit as the skies orbit the Sun. Gas giant. Lucy, who will be active until 2033, will carry out a number of research work related to asteroids.

NASA begins to capture Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids. Space company Launched on October 16th A study for these celestial bodies located in the orbit of the gas giant. Named LucyThe device will travel six years between 2027 and 2033 before making most of its observations. Celestial bodies in the origin of the solar system.

Lucy or the origin of the solar system

The project to study the Trojan meteorite began several years ago. American astronomers Harold Lewison and Kathy Olkin, SWRI (Southwest Research InstituteIn Colorado, the origins of the development of the Lucy study in 2010. Ambitious, the project was later integrated into the Solar System Exploration Program launched in 2014 by NASA, Discovery. After many years of research, the study will begin construction in 2019, for two years. Lucy should make accurate readings of Trojan bodies thanks to her precision instruments: a high camera Resolution Named L’LORRI (for Lucy’s Long Range Spy Imager), Another camera used for navigation, TTCam and two spectrometers, first allowing to draw an image Specter Close Infrared (L’Raph) Another is the infrared spectrum called TES Lucy’s heat emission spectrum)

These numerous tools will provide Lucy and researchers Southwest Research Institute An opportunity to learn more about these asteroids that have not yet been explored. During their Flyovers, The study will record the various elements that describe the structure of bodies, their structures or their details Masses, With the aim of conducting a real study of the evolution of the solar system and its past interactions with its various celestial objects.

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Starting Saturday, October 16th

After its launch, Lucy will use the Earth’s gravitational pull twice before heading toward Lagrange points L4 and L5. Asteroid systems (Troyens L4 and Troyens L5) will study. This is because these celestial bodies, orbiting Jupiter at 60 முன் before or after it, may be one of the key elements in understanding the formation of the solar system.

Good sample tested

Lucy will focus on six asteroids: the dual system (617) Patroclus and Menodios, (15094) polymel, (3548) Euribad, (11351) Lugos, (21900) Oros. These asteroids make it possible to return to the origin of the solar system because of the gravitational influence of the planets Birth of the solar system The current NICE model was described in a 2005 study In review Nature, Has the following theory: After a long time Prototype disk, The Gas giants (Thursday, Saturn, Neptune And Uranus) gradually move away from the Sun to join their current orbits, causing disruptions in the orbits of lighter bodies and the integration of systems such as Trojans L4 and L5. Oort cloud Or the Khyber belt.

NASA’s small study and Southwest Research Institute Can one confirm or refute one of the most popular theories about the formation of the solar system? The answer to the completion of Lucy’s mission planned by the American space agency in 2033.

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