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The extravagant Nintendo console is looking for a new home

The extravagant Nintendo console is looking for a new home

In 2009 the publisher THQ party game attracted more attention through the Big Family Games. Some people are not skeptical because it is a great game, but rather because of a brilliant marketing stunt. As for the party game, THQ created a golden Nintendo Wii and sent the fancy game console to Queen Elizabeth II – but it didn’t come! The YouTube channel searched for clues to “People Mac Games” and said the console is now in the hands of collector Tony Fillerup in the Netherlands. Fillarup already has more than 280 sports equipment, including a 24-carat Wii. According to its own report, Filler never used the console, especially since “the added game isn’t really good”. When THQ Product Manager Daniel Robinson said the following for the Royal Family, a relevant tab for 2009:

“The big family game is the ultimate wee (Buy Now) A game for all family members to play together, from grandparents to small children. The Royal Family is the most important family in the country, so we felt they should have a copy of the new game. But we thought that His Majesty the Queen did not want to play on any old console, so an extra special gold was appointed. We hope she and the other royal family enjoy the game! “

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Golden Wii can now be purchased on eBay!

Now is your chance! As long as you have about 300,000 the currently unused account. Collector Tony Fillerup sells many of his rarities on eBay, including a special class game console made of 24 carat gold of course. The game, which has already been mentioned many times, Big Family Games, is included in the offer …

Golden Queen's Wee: The extravagant Nintendo console is looking for a new home (1)

Golden Queen’s Wee: The extravagant Nintendo console is looking for a new home (1)

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