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The Earth is spinning very fast, breaking the record for the fastest days in 2020

The Earth is spinning very fast, breaking the record for the fastest days in 2020

Credito: Gert Altman, Pixie, 4369845

The Earth has been spinning faster than in the last several decades, with all 28 fastest days ever recorded since 1960 occurring in 2020. However, there is no need to worry as the rotation of the earth varies from time to time (but only slightly). Due to atmospheric pressure, it is also based on other factors such as wind, external factors such as the motion of the inner core and ocean currents or the gravitational influence of other bodies in the solar system.
His smallest difference, measurable in milliseconds, is incomprehensible and even if it does not cause any problems in our daily lives, it has the influence of the most accurate measurement methods in the world, i.e. atomic clocks.

A correction is made when the rotation of the earth decreases, as has usually been the case since the 1960s. In practice, a “leap second” is added to the year that is most “slow”, which is done in June or December. In this way astronomical time and atomic time are reconsidered.
Since 1972, as Live Science has pointed out, on average, a leap second is added every one and a half years. For example, the last jump quiz was added on December 31, 2016 at 23:59:59.

However, by 2020, according to the Time and Date website reports, the acceleration of the Earth’s rotation would have been the first time it would have been necessary to subtract one, instead of adding one.
In 2020, when the Earth completed one cycle on July 5, the record for the shortest astronomical day recorded on July 5 was broken 28 times, 1.0516 milliseconds faster than the average duration of 86,400 seconds. one day.
Researchers estimate that by 2021 there will be a total delay of 19 milliseconds at nuclear time.

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Although it is too early to say whether this will be the solution, the possibility of having to spend a second instead of adding to it, as has been done since the 1960s, seems to be increasing sharply because the rotation of the Earth seems to be increasing sharply: It is possible that the end will come, “said Peter Weiberley, of The National Physical Laboratory in the United Kingdom.

Someone has suggested that instead of actually using seconds, it would be better to distance oneself further and further until the interval between atomic and astronomical times “sticks” with a leap hour. In fact, the use of “leap seconds” causes many problems for some operators in various fields, for example data recording or today’s telecommunications infrastructure.


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