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The earth is getting darker and that is a problem

The earth is getting darker and that is a problem

Clouds are an important element in climate change on our planet. Scientists are trying to understand how this macro problem will change and how it will change the climate in the future.

According to new research, clouds currently reflect less light. The study is based on observing an event called “Earthshine” for two decades, which is the reflection of the Earth or the light reflected by the Earth on the other side of the Moon along with albedo and satellite observations of the Sun. .

Rays of God Photo Getty Images by Jose Fuste Ragagorbiskorbis

Jose Fuste RagaGetty Images

Scientists at the Big Bear Solar Laboratory in Southern California have been studying the fluctuations of Earth’s light since 1998 and have been working with NASA’s Clouds and Earth’s Radio Energy System Observations since 1997.

The result is as follows: Over the entire two-decade period, the amount of light reflected from the Earth is about 0.5% or less than half a watt of light per square meter.

Because light that is not reflected in space is trapped in the Earth’s system, the change in brightness has an impact on the climate, increasing the speed of man-made climate change.

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