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While the Nintendo Switch does not offer all the reliable hardware performance, there are plenty of interesting exclusive games and impressive ports from the best titles Stage Witcher 3: Discover Wild Hunt and Doom Eternity. However, the smaller hybrid console often lags behind the more powerful consoles, as is the case with Mimi Productions’ latest issue.
Developers from Munich believe that their strategic game Desperados III will not cut a good person in the switch, so they are currently abandoning these projects: “The thing is, the game is very demanding – especially for the CPU. This is already a problem with normal consoles that can play this game.”, Explains leading designer Moritz Wagner GamerHubTV In conversation.
However, the developer did not want to completely rule out the possibility that the game might eventually go to the switch. After all, many still believe in the most powerful Pro version of the console.
“Whenever something new comes along we re-evaluate it, but the game continues [auf dem System] Not really. The new version of the switch may be a little more powerful – then we’ll be glad to see you again. I’m not sure if [Nintendo] Something like that is currently in the works, which is why [wird ein Switch-Port von Desperados III] Unfortunately that will not appear in the future. “
Nintendo has already released revisions to their consoles, which have also developed dedicated ports. The Xenoplate Chronicles for the new Nintendo 3DS is one of those games.
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