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The book, which includes interviews with a former Nintendo CEO, will be translated in the spring

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwada is a genius programmer who has conducted a series of interviews with his staff. Always available online. These information changes were proudly compiled in a paper collection in Japan. The translated version comes from the West.

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Available for sale in Japan from 2019, Ask Ivada: Words of Wisdom from Nintendo’s Legendary CEO Satoru Ivada Available in English on April 13th. The book was reported by VIZ Media, and its translation may be pre-ordered by Sam Pet, especially for 20 euros. Amazon.

Readers will find there exchanges between Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwada for 13 years and those who went missing in 2015 and those who worked at Kyoto and harsh testimonies including Shigeru Miyamoto

Satoru Ivada was a former global CEO of Nintendo and a talented programmer who played a key role in the creation of many of the world’s most popular games. He spearheaded the development of innovative platforms such as the Nintendo DS and Wii, and laid the foundation for the development of the successful game Pokemon Go and Nintendo Switch. Known for his analytical and imaginative attitude, but also for his humble and leadership-centered approach to leadership, Sadoru Iwada was loved by sports fans and developers around the world.

In this collection, Sadoru Iwada discusses issues such as diagnosing problems, how success fosters resistance to change, and why programmers should not say no. Iwada listens to interviews with basic contributors to Nintendo games and hardware, and with conversations with renowned proprietor Mario Shigeru Miyamoto and Earthbound creator Chicasado Idoi, one of the most influential players in the history of Ivada sports and video game design.

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