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The “blind acquisition” company has no interest

The “blind acquisition” company has no interest

With next level games, Nintendo recently took over another studio. Nintendo did not want to take part in the current publisher arms race, as the company’s president, Shundaro Furukawa, made clear in an interview with Nikki. Instead, only studios that we have successfully worked with in the past should be acquired.

Nintendo: For the company

As before, the acquisition of Bethesda software, launched by Microsoft last September, offers ample talk.

After all, this is the first time a major publisher has been acquired by a console manufacturer. Although Microsoft has raised $ 7.5 billion for Genimax Media and Bethesda software, its acquisition of Nintendo is financially very small. Most recently, the traditional Japanese company took over the Next Level Games studio, which had already worked successfully in the past.

Acquisition should ensure higher quality

As Nintendo chairman Shundaro Furukawa pointed out in a recent interview, the company will also take appropriate interest in future acquisitions. According to Furukawa, they have no interest in “blind acquisitions” and instead prefer to only take studios that help improve the quality of Nintendo titles.

Commenting on the recent acquisition of NextLive Games, Furukawa told Japanese business magazine Nikki: “This is a partner we have worked with for many years to develop various software, and we decided to improve the quality and speed of development by turning them into a subsidiary. And work together. “

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It continues: “We do not buy companies blindly because we want growth resources. We do not believe that expanding the scope of our business will really add value to the entertainment that Nintendo offers.”

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So, Nintendo is not rejecting further acquisitions in the future, but it is only interested in acquiring candidates who have already worked successfully in the past, according to Furukawa.

They are: Video Games Chronicle

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