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Panorama capturé par les NavCam de Curiosity le 16 novembre 2021. © Nasa, JPL-Caltech

The beauty of this landscape amazed the Curiosity crew

We will never get tired of the view of Mars. Thousands of kilometers away from diligence, Rover Curiosity has sent him a wonderful “postcard” to the Earth observation team. They were amazed at the beauty of this landscape.

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The “trips” at the end of each series are determined by his team on Earth, Curiosity (already 9 Earth years on Mars) Take advantage of the opportunity to relax and take some pictures of the surrounding landscape.

At this point, NASA says, the team members are still very shocked to see the pictures taken in Boss. Resolution With navigation cameras (NavCam), they decided to press the shutter button again, this time creating a series in high resolution.

The result after melting both images and directing some redouching: the spectacular panorama of the Red Planet.

Colorful postcard of the landscape crossing Curiosity

Pictures taken recently (November 16, on Earth, on the 3,299th Tuesday Round), Now from the point where Curiosity stands, is still on the slopes of Sharp Mountain. A little to the right of the 5,500-meter-high mountain photo emerges here. To the left of the rover, as a tribute to a member, we find the relief of the baptized Raphael Navarro. JBL.

In the distance, on the horizon, more than 30 kilometers from the rover, is a massive stretch Wall Rocks about 2,300 meters high. This is the edge of the vast abyss into which Curiosity landed 9 years ago, the Gale crater (155 km in diameter). At a distance of 400 to 800 meters from the eyes of Curiosity, stunning mounds were carved. Holes Mars from the campus of Rye Of Forvey ”.

As for the colors that comprise these two photos, at first, black and white, they do not reflect what we can see with our own eyes, but they are taken into account. Brightness Mars orbits the sky twice. The first, left part of the photo shows the morning atmosphere in orange, the second, in blue tones, on the right, in the afternoon.

In the same geographical context, Curiosity has divided a new one Selfie, Including various parts of the puzzle, is now handed over to the Central Task Force. Many space exploration enthusiasts have already shared their work.

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Curiosity fills our eyes with this amazing panorama of Mars

Article published Xavier Dimmersman Released March 5, 2020

This is the best picture ever taken of the surface of Mars: 1.8 billion Pixels Mars landscape. You will not believe your eyes! Visit Mount Sharp and Gale Greater as you are at Curiosity.

“Feast for the eyes. “ The mission’s researcher, Ashwin Vasavada, qualified for this magnificent panorama of Mars. Rover Curiosity. No shortage of superlatives: this painting captured 1.8 billion pixels between November 24th and 1stThere is December 2019. Nearly 1,200 photos were patiently collected. They were all taken away Mastcam A ton of rover these days until noon and 2pm (Tuesday time)“Ensure uniform lighting”, NASA mentions Press release. “When many of our group were at home enjoying turkey [Thanksgiving, NDLR], Curiosity created this feast for the eyes ”, JPL Scientist Comment.

Zoom in on this magnificent Mars photographed by the Curiosity rover. © NASA, JBL-Caltech, MSSS

Sinking into the Martian landscape

This 360 ° panorama is a complete success, a masterpiece that opens up Doors A thrilling sinking into the Martian landscape. If you can find it in a 360 video, the experience will be even stronger Virtual reality headset In which you are yours Skills (Type Google Card) or otherwise, by browsing the zoomed version with its high resolution. Anyway, this is a feast: give it a try and you will not believe your eyes! Attractive and attractive. Here you are taken to a drier and colder world than the earth. All around you, as far as the eye can see, is ruined land abandoned by water millions of years ago.

The site where all of these pictures were taken was named “Glen Doridon”, located on the slopes of Mount Sharp, the building. Sedimentary rocks It ends at an altitude of 5,500 meters in the center of the Gale Valley. Here, at the foot of the curiosity, stretches A lake 3.6 billion years ago.

Panorama of Mars by Curiosity, with commentary by Ashwin Vasavada (in English). © NASA, JBL-Caltech, MSSS

The mountains visible in the distance are the northern bulwarks Gale groove Diameter 150 km. If you look closely as you move to the left you will see the small slangbos groove (4.8 km in diameter). The pictures are breathtaking.

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Find the 360 ​​video version Here.

March: Breathtaking 360 panorama around Curiosity

By article Remy Decord Released September 5, 2016

Two magnificent panoramas have been created from images captured by Curiosity at various stages along the route up to Mount Sharp. In your spare time you can explore two different landscapes.

Four years, a few days after arriving on Mars, in the Gale Valley, Curiosity has taken on a new broader view of its surroundings. Below is a video compiling 130 images taken with a mast camera (MastCam), Interactive. Throughout the summer of 2016 (on Earth) we discovered the terrain the rover had traversed in its path. The foothills Mount Sharp (5,500 meters) is the main focus of his mission, which began its ascent in 2012.

The ground is the bottom of an ancient lake. Billions of years ago the water disappeared and left dry mud deposits. Butts and Tables Around it, called “Murray Butts”, it rises to some 60 meters wide and 15 meters high (shared by Emily Lakdavalla Blog Images processed by Thomas Appare and Sean Doren, included on an astronaut scale). They have Sandstone, With wind and no sand Agitated.

On August 5, 2016 (word 1.421) in the “Murray Butts” sector, the first foothills of Mount Sharp became 360 ​​ன panoramic with 130 images taken by Curiosity. © NASA, JBL-Caltech, MSSS


The opening article was published on 05/06/2014 at 11:32 am

As for communications, NASA knows how to do it. NASA does not hesitate to make public and easy access to most of the classified data of its projects, even if it dreams of gaining public support to fund its projects. Space travel. As a result, if the private sector seizes it to provide business services (Weather forecast For example), many amateurs find their account there. The pictures that interest them most of all.

The NASA Well understood. Usually, he suggests, they should take part in scientific or census experiments. She uses this community of enthusiasts cheaply, like counting craters, identifying objects in the sky, tracking it, and dating the surfaces of the planets. A hard work, if it does not please scientists, pleases most of us.

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As for Mars, the strategy is to put all the original images obtained from orbiting studies online. Tuesday Or rovers frolicking on its surface. These images often contain information needed to colorize them, turn them into anaglyph images, or integrate them into panoramas. We remember the director of the amateur film Bart CanningCuriosity landing In the high definition. To bring to an end the images taken from the rover when it landed on Mars on August 6, 2012, NASA was able to turn itself into a remarkable film to use in its communications. Even ufological communities and followers of all sorts of conspiracy theories can find their account there. Searching for traces of brilliant extraterrestrial life is thus greatly desired!

NASA images for science accessible to all

Today, another amateur stands alone. Andrew Potrov, The photographer collected almost 140 photos purchased by Curiosity in a single day to feel an incredible panorama around the rover, which explains this article. These images were taken on April 27, 2014 (ground 610) by a Mastcam camera located on the rover’s mast.

And the result is worth living. The resolution is very good and you can see many details of it Geography On the ground like Strategies, The External crops Rocks and other rocks of all shapes, some of them round! A Eye Practice also observes various conditions Sediment.

As for Curiosity, it is located near a layer of sandstone called the Windjana. Drill his third hole. Finally, the rover appears to be surprisingly clean and barely covered in dust, and no exposed equipment or structure is damaged. Wrong note only, The Wheels of interest. They wear more than expected, but their condition does not seem to have deteriorated since the first holes were discovered in December 2013.

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