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The animation teases the Nintendo Switch announcement

The animation teases the Nintendo Switch announcement

Fanimation teased a Nintendo Switch announcement today and fans are wondering what’s going on. The purple happy switch shows the video before bringing the words “Oh, hello,” flash to the screen. Fans do not know what to think about this. It’s only been two days since the crunchroll and funny forces locked up and tore up anime fans of social media. The merger sees two heavyweights in entertainment merge under Sony’s roof. That last detail adds another difference to the action. Some wondered if the acquisition meant that the service would not be allowed on Nintendo’s console due to competition between the two. But, it seems that there really is no balance and switch owners enjoy their animation wherever they are. So, obviously, more news is to come, but there is reason to pay close attention to what lies ahead.

John Wage, general manager of Crunchroll, made some comments after the news broke. Owned by Sony and merging with a competitor is definitely a weird place:

“We are delighted to embark on this new journey. Grungeroll has created a world-class brand with over 3M subscribers, 50M community followers and an enthusiastic fan base of 90M registered users. Success. ”

On the Funization page, current CEO Colin Decker took the union to task for not stopping talking about the entire Internet:

“The Union of Funimation and Crunching is a success for anime fans around the world, which will elevate the art and culture of this medium for decades. Animation to help people from the extraordinary world. ”

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What do you think the trailer is? Let us know in the comments!