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Text published in Cassette

Text published in Cassette

Labor Order Official Gazette No. 155 of 30 June 2021, Ordinance of 30 June 2021, n. 99 on “Emergency Measures on Tax Matters, Labor Safety, Consumer and Business Support”. Relief of layoffs, suspension of money transfer, tax credit to encourage the use of electronic payments, refinancing of Nua Sabatini; These are the innovations of the new emergency operations.

Tax activities

To encourage the use of electronic payments, the government is pursuing a new strategy of offering tax breaks in the form of tax breaks to those who equip themselves with POS and electronic recorders during the year, and to commissions from July 1 to June. 30 next year. There is On the other hand, for the next six months the cashback will be suspended and the stored resources will be allocated to social security nets. News of tax bills and increase in bill prices. Let’s look at the new steps in detail:

  • Tax credit At 100% Commissions Gathered from 1 July 20 to 20 June 2021 for merchants and professionals who accept payments with credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards and other traceable devices. Can be used in debt compensation from month to month spent. Occurred;
  • Tax credit Cost Purchase, rental and use of equipment that allows electronic payment forms And for those who equip themselves with these tools for communication with electronic recorders, from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022.
  • For the same period, theZero of commissions For a customer paying with POS;
  • Suspended Plan for repayment of purchases made using electronic payment instruments over the next six months (Money withdrawal); For payments made between January and June 2021, you will receive a refund by August 29; Instead of Super Cashback they will arrive by November 30th.
  • Reuse of resources allocated to social security nets for cashback (approximately 1 billion and a half euros);
  • Postponement of notice to 31st August Tax bills;
  • The approval deadline has been postponed to July 31 TARI Fees and Terms For municipalities;
  • More than a billion euros Will alleviate the rise in electricity prices, Caused by rising raw material prices in the July-September quarter of 2021;
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It comes with a new order Release of redundancies For the construction and manufacturing sector, with the exception of the textile sector. In detail, the following actions are in the order:

  • Extension until October 31st Prohibition on layoffs in the fashion and textile sector (Deco codes 13, 14, 15)
  • Companies that violate the layoff ban from July 1 can benefit from this Extraordinary CIG in disgrace. For 13 weeks until December 31st, without further contribution, until they agree to maintain the ban on dismissal for that period.
  • Establishing a fund for funding Training for workers at CIG And New Social Insurance for Employment (NASPI)



Refinancing of Nua Sabatini to $ 300 million by 2021. These resources are available to support small and medium enterprises to purchase capital goods.

DL 30 June 2021, n. 99 >> Download the PDF text

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