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Telephone Operators Affected by Intelligence: McCuffy raises the alarm

According to McAfee, a spy operation – known as Operation Dionzan – targeted telephone operators

Telephone operators
Phone operators under attack by some Chinese hacker groups (Adobe stock)

Related reports Potential hacker attacks And maxi functions aimed at stealing sensitive data and so on. According to the California Software House McCaffy, Targets the latest gimmick Telephone operators. This is called Operation Dionzan, and its goal is to access personal and better information The secret behind 5G technologies Steal them.

But there is a lot more. Cybersecurity has already identified the hacker groups that set it all up: Chinese Retelta and Mustang Panda. However, as the researchers point out, Hawaii is not directly involved in all of this, despite the fact that it is based on precision. In the fake version of his site.

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Hacker Attacks on Phone Operators: Details

Telephone operators
Alarm introduced by cyber security company McAfee (Adobe Stock)

A maxi operation – is called Operation Diànxn – Aims to steal relevant top secret information For 5G technologies For telephone operators. This is the latest gimmick announced immediately by US cyber security firm McAfee. The initial vector of infection is not yet clear, but it is said that the victims may have been inspired by a fake webpage Hawaii for job vacancies. Once the site is open, the Flash application containing the Cobalt Strike Door is downloaded to your computer By the latter, cybercriminals stole Important information and documents on 5G.

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With Flash Installer, a. .NET tool downloaded Install other malware. The last step involved was to create a door to the remote control via the C&C server. As McAfee announced, they are as of today 23 telephone operators have been affected All over the world. In particular, interest would have fallen on Germans and Vietnamese. He pointed out that there is ample evidence that the Canadian software house is associated with attacks Ban on 5G technologies in the United States and other countries.