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Story Director Darby McDowid leaves Ubisoft - Nert 4.Life

Story Director Darby McDowid leaves Ubisoft – Nert 4.Life

Time to say goodbye Ubisoftin, With Story Director Dorby McDevitt, Who has previously worked on several episodes in the series Killer belief, He decided Leave the company Follow the “new adventures”.

We still do not know where his path will continue, but McDowid was a somewhat current character in Ubisoft, especially involved in the drafting of the Assassin’s Creed series. Stories And related components Storytelling Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag as Lead Writer, Assassin’s Creed Unity as Co-Writer and finally as the story director for the new Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

In short, his signature occurs in some The most popular episodes In Ubisoft’s long fantasy-history series, it therefore represents an element of considerable importance within Ubisoft and in question ownership, with which he has had a very dense experience.

“A Thanks Special thanks to all the fans and content creators who have supported and enriched our work over the years, “McDowid wrote, congratulating Ubisoft,” Thank you for your attention! You have my deepest admiration and respect for you. An honor to have met you. “

In this regard, the farewell message has been handed down on Twitter as happened to the anthem director Jonathan Warner in the last few hours and there is no specific information about the future of the developer: “Today is my last day at Ubisoft Montreal! Working with brilliant humans after a decade, creating amazing series of stories and characters Conversing with the fans, I decided to move forward with one New adventure“, Reads the first part of McDevitt’s message, and at this point we look forward to more information about the future.

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