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Stone Age Themed Tent Camp - Scopfim

Stone Age Themed Tent Camp – Scopfim

Holiday promotion from August 4th to 11th

(BZ). The annual Scopfimmer Tent Camp for children ages eight to 13, organized by young Scopfimmers, will take place this summer from August 4 to 11 under the motto “A Journey to the Stone Age”.

The camp will be reduced to two days as there will be no excursions to the city sports or swimming pool due to the epidemic. At the campground in Pittsburgh, near Freiburg, participants have the opportunity to enjoy an extraordinary time with the team. Children between the ages of eight and 13 can participate.

In addition to exciting adventures in the footsteps of Mammoth, hunters and collectors, participants are given a real “camping feeling” for eight days. There is something for everyone from off-road games to campfires, promise organizers. Due to the very sober epidemic situation, four locations are still available.

Further information can be obtained from Enja Frontlin, 0151/28165678, and Eric Walbourne, 0151/55701204. The current information on the web is below Find out. The registration form can also be downloaded there. The completed registration form can be dropped off at the Adolf-Mல்லller-Strauss 10 in Schoffeem, in the mailbox of the Catholic Parish Hall, or sent to [email protected] by email.

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