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Spotify Audiences users download songs "at high speed"

Spotify Audiences users download songs “at high speed”

In early June The first users reported that their Spotify account was blocked due to illegal downloads on the Audiles support forum. Audiels is software that allows you to record or download Spotify songs.

Two restraining circuits are mentioned

After complaints in the forum, Deniza Alleman of Audio released a statement on the software’s official support forum about the incident. According to him, some users have banned Spotify from June 4, 2021 and July 8, 2021. If users are affected, they should be contacted Report Spotify support. This will immediately reactivate the blocked Spotify account. However, you need to make sure that you do not make any illegal downloads anymore.

Justification as part of Spotify

Music streaming provider justifies blocking with the following terms:

Spotify has determined that your account may be involved in improper use of the Spotify service, which may violate the Terms of Service, including improper downloads.

Audiels Music records a stream, not a live download

According to Audiels, the software (at least technically) does not download music and stores it on hard disk. According to Denisa Aleman, the software only records. Therefore, according to the application German Copyright law UrhG $ 53 Clearly legal:

Individual reproduction of a work is permitted by a natural person for personal use in any medium

Audio cannot go into more detail on whether control is allowed in the Spotify Terms of Use.


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The “high-speed” option to blame

Usually the software only records music in real time. This means that a record will last as long as the music itself is long. This is comparable to recording music with a cassette from the radio. However, Audiels Music offers a “high-speed” option. This allows streams to be recorded at multiple speeds even when recorded. It is doubtful that Spotify recognizes who is making the illegal downloads, according to the streaming provider.

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In addition to Spotify, according to Audiels Music, other streaming providers will technically prevent streaming at higher speeds. It is therefore recommended “Speed”, Especially after a temporary lock.