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Specifications.  Covit-19: Contaminants "near the alarm door" in Occitania cause ARS concern

Specifications. Covit-19: Contaminants “near the alarm door” in Occitania cause ARS concern

The Occitanie Regional Health Agency is concerned about pollution associated with Govit-19 near the warning gate. In hospitals in the region, the decline continues but is slow …

Oxidania is struggling to fully recover from this fourth wave of Govt-19. This Tuesday, September 28th, the Regional Health Agency will provide a confirmation but cautious assessment of the health situation in the region: “Progress continues”, ARS rejoices.

The downside is pollution, which was particularly high this summer: “The number of positive cases has dropped drastically in recent weeks, but it is still close to the threshold.
Occitania warns, 53.4 cases per 100,000 population on average “, health officials are concerned the area is still hospitalized due to covit-19 contamination.

In the intensive care units, the inclusions are also declining: 176 patients who developed a severe form of the virus are currently in intensive care in the region. The number of patients admitted to the hospital in Haut-Caron and the Herald is high.

“Greatly increased” deaths

In terms of covit-19-related deaths, the Regional Health Agency is particularly concerned about the high number of covit-19-related deaths (overall, editorial note) has increased significantly in our hospitals in recent weeks: 5,151 people infected with the virus have died in hospitals since the outbreak in Occitania. Health officials explain.

The number of new deaths linked to Govt-19, which is recorded every week, has been declining since the end of August. In the last seven days, 25 people have died of Govt-19 disease in the region.

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Then there is the vaccine: according to the regional health agency, 8.4 million doses have been injected into Occitania since the vaccination campaign began on January 4th. 4.5 million people in the region have received at least one first dose (or 77.1% of the total population). 90% of adults in the region have received at least one dose of the vaccine.