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Les mammouths ont disparu il y a 4000 ans de l

Sorted by the world’s oldest DNA monster

The world’s oldest DNA has been recovered from mammoths buried in permafrost in Siberia a million years ago, according to a study released on Wednesday (February 17).

Analyzes on three mammoth specimens shed new light on the ice age, when large mammals ruled, and the legacy of the woolly mammoth, the last survivors to disappear from the island 4000 years ago. From Rangal from Siberia. Encrypted genes are far greater than the oldest DNA ever sequenced, 500,000 to 700,000 years old horse.

Here, DNA – the carrier of genetic information, is called a gene – “Incredibly old. The specimens are a thousand times older than Viking remains, and even predict the existence of modern humans and NeanderthalsMarvels Love Talen of the Center for Paleogenetics in Stockholm oversees the study published in the journal Nature. In Siberia in the 1970s, fossils of permafrost (also known as deep frozen ground, permafrost) were discovered and deposited at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

The researchers first succeeded in dating teeth (molars), which are found in the same sedimentary layers, known to be unique to specific organisms such as small rodents. These early comparisons suggested that the two largest mammals were the grassland mammoth, which is more than a million years old. Most “YoungOf these three, about 800,000 years old, is the oldest woolly mammoth ever found (a species that departed from the steppe mammoth).

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