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Solingan: So far 1120 Solingan has vaccinated more than 60 people with astrogen.

Solingan: So far 1120 Solingan has vaccinated more than 60 people with astrogen.

The Solingan Vaccine Center is housed in the former Kaufhoff building.

© Michael Shots (Archive)

  • Anja Kriskofsky

    ofAnja Kriskofsky


The vaccination center has expanded its capacity to six vaccination lines and up to 800 vaccines per day.

Solingan. More inside Solingan Vaccine Center Vaccinations for people over 60 with Astrogenene began on Easter Sunday. 800 vaccinations a day are now carried out there, more than ever before the facility was established Chairman of Udo Stocks. They were also vaccinated on Easter Monday ST Employee Carl-Reiner Brooch (76)He, like his partner (73) was able to get an appointment. “The vaccine went smoothly,” he said. But it is troublesome Appointment booking By the North Rhine Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVNO).

In both Hotline Access to the website was also weakened due to the rush on Saturday. “Unfortunately, this is not a completely trouble-free start with an announcement,” he admitted KVNO CEO, Dr. Frank Bergman, week end. He says Carl-Rainer Brooch tried to book a meeting at 8 a.m. Saturday. “Busy, as expected. Always new attempts, sometimes no dial tone, but the connection stopped immediately. ”At 2pm he tried again, again in vain. Finally there was an access to the website. “I was able to register with personal details and password.” He was only able to log in after several attempts Appointment Initially not possible. His partner finally came to the website with open dates at 4pm and booked for Easter Monday. However, Broch says they could not have downloaded the vaccine documents. “We filled them at the vaccination center.”

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Solingan: Document for vaccine appointment can be downloaded

The Solingan City Replied to it. Put it on Documentation is now, among other things, on its own website Ready, Udo suggests stock.

I got the vaccine appointment SD teacher Katherine Schuller. After some – Saturday morning “failed attempts as expected” – she allowed the matter to rest right away, he says. At twelve o’clock at night, he made another attempt and won “quickly and easily” via the website of the Legal Health Insurance Physicians Association – “both appointments are set”.

Further ST Reader Brigitte Clipping A vaccination appointment was successfully recorded over the weekend. “We arrived after five attempts to make an appointment with 116117 on Easter Sunday and we have ten minutes Holding method Inserted. For both vaccinations we made appointments with a good woman. “

Currently around 800 vaccines Daily – including Easter days 560 with Astrogeneca – Udo Stock reports that six vaccination lines are now in operation. Until April 14th Special vaccines With AstraZeneca instead. Vaccine appointments for 79-year-olds from Tuesday Biotech Issued via KVNO.

Carl-Reiner Broach says he and his partner are happy to be vaccinated. “With more than 70 people in the risk group, we don’t want to wait any longer.”