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Simplified profile management in Chrome 89

Simplified profile management in Chrome 89

In beta from the end of January, a newer version of Chrome for computers introduces the management of user profiles from the same session.

For shared computers (with family or colleagues), Google has added a tool for managing user profiles when the browser starts. This new feature is available in Chrome 89 for macOS, Linux and Windows.

So Chrome has finally reviewed it Profile management. It was already there, but it has been simplified. At each session, it is possible to select a profile that can be “navigated”. The Google session starts later: Sync personal bookmarks, wallpaper, passwords and history. Of course, this is only possible if you have one (or more) Google Account (s).

This is one way Separate personal and personal life Without changing the browser.

Within converters What’s new in Chrome 89?, We can quote the default addition WebHID And Web NFC. The latest version of Chrome lets you consult pages (on a computer or mobile) and search the open tabs.

Download Chrome 89

To download Chrome, go to This page Get the latest standard version of the browser for Linux, Windows and MacOS. The update may be automatic if you already have a Google browser.

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