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Sharing Screenshots and PS5 Clips in New Beta Update -

Sharing Screenshots and PS5 Clips in New Beta Update –

Sony has released a new beta update PlayStation App, Thanks to the users Upload, view and share Directly from the application PS5 recorded screen shots and videos.

The release of the new feature is limited Japan and Canada. It is temporarily only available for iOS devices, with Android users having to wait up to a week. Then this release should spread to other countries around the world. Obviously, once properly tested, the partitioning function is available to all users.

With the implementation of the new feature, all game captures made on the PS5 will be automatically uploaded to the cloud and available in the app 14 days. At this time, users can share their photos and clips with BSN friends, at parties, on social media or save them on their device.

Some people there Limitations: Non-4K movies are less than 3 minutes long and will only be uploaded to movies shot via the Create menu or the Create button. In any case, these limitations are not excluded as they will not be “expanded” in the future.

Meanwhile, according to some reports on the web, the PS5 bug related to installing PS4 games on disk seems to have come back.

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