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Self Certification May 2021 Orange Zone: Download Printable PDF Format Print

May 2021 Self-certification here: Self-certification (or Self-declaration, Travel form) will make a service May 2021 In Orange Zone. With New Govt Order, You must continue to show the form Self-certification In regions and municipalities Fascia Orange (Below is an online PDF form that can be edited or downloaded), Necessary for travel and the visit of relatives.

Click above to download the print form

When self-certification is required

In Red zone Self-certification is always required. All movements are prohibited within one’s own municipality, unless necessary, for work and health needs. The curfew order is in effect across the national territory from 10 pm to 5 am, only the possibility of getting married at this timeSelf-certification For reasons of need, health or work.

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In Orange Zone Movements from 5 to 22 are only allowed within the municipality. Residents of the municipality, which has a population of up to 5,000, can travel up to 30 km from the border (even in another region) and travel to provincial capitals is prohibited. In the municipality, visits for friends and relatives are allowed, up to a maximum of 2 people per day (excluding those under 14). Open stores (shopping centers are closed on holidays and pre-holiday days).

To go beyond these limits imposed by the Orange Zone, you must have Proven health or work reasons Hence the need for self-certification.

How to fill out the Self Certification Form

  • * Fill in all the fields of the moving person’s identity
  • * Fill in the address where the move started and the destination address
  • * Fill in all the blanks by tapping the box labeled “Status of Demand.”
  • * In space – other causes permitted by applicable regulations or by the above orders, directives and other measures defining measures to prevent the spread of infection – specify what it is
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