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Secondary Examination Grade I: Assessment of students with special education needs, when it happens.  Download the Oral Exam Assessment Phase

Secondary Examination Grade I: Assessment of students with special education needs, when it happens. Download the Oral Exam Assessment Phase


Based on art. 2 of OM n ° 52, for students with disabilities certified under Act n. 104, “For students with disabilities, paper work, oral examination and final assessment are defined on the basis of a personalized curriculum” (IEP). According to Act No. 170 of October 8, 2010, for students with specific learning disabilities, “the task and oral examination of the paper is defined in terms of the rules of the individual teaching program”.

For students with non-certified special education needs (not included in the categories specified in the Act 8 October 2010, n.170 and Act 5 February 1992, n.104), they are entitled to a specific customized artificial plan (PDP), “no pharmacy during the examination Measures are not expected, while the use of compensatory tools already provided for annual oral assessment tests is confirmed ”. During the trip, the head of the company, “G. Regio Calabria (RC) Moscow ”, Professor Lucia Zavetieri, a recognized expert in school law and an example of artificial-teaching perfectionism. The oral exam assessment phase for students with special educational needs is attached to the article.

Criteria for the characteristic of c

OM N52, in Art. 4, paragraph 3 states: “The final assessment to be disclosed with a score of ten to ten shall be accompanied by a consensus resolution, with respect to the assessments obtained in the three-year school course and the results of the examination”.

The student – as Professor Lucia Zavetieri reiterates – must have achieved a 10/10 standard, even if it is equal to or greater than 9.50 in the final assessment, and must meet excellent criteria, proving the skills acquired in three periods. Exemption from certificates and certifications obtained following participation in school-set courses, qualifications for first place in competitions, Dedication Olympics, etc. Excels in activities involving local, national or international or social solidarity or civil, sports, creative, artistic and musical commitment.

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Government selection for private students

With reference to art. 5 of OM n ° 52, private students take the state exam in the manner provided in Article 2, paragraphs 4 and 5. The paper referred to in Article 2, Paragraph 4 and Article 3 is identified by 20 May 2021 and is assigned to the Class Council Student Examination, which takes into account the artificial-educational program offered by the student as a particular. This paper will be accepted electronically or otherwise appropriately in the Private Student Classroom by 20 June 2021.
Examination Commission – School Director Avi. The student receives the final diploma of the first six cycles with a final assessment of at least one in six tenths.

State Examination for Students in Parental Education

Legal basis, in addition to the legislative order n. 62/2017, resides in Art. 3 of Ministerial Order 741/2017 “On admission of private candidates” as there is no specific provision in this regard. Requirements:

  • Age (has turned 13 by December 31 of the year of selection);
  • Permission (or eligibility) to attend pre-school lower class.

Candidates with this admission are also admitted for at least three years in the lower middle school. So there is no preliminary choice to join the state exams.

Certification of standardized tests and first-round academic skills

According to Art. 6 of OM n ° 52, students take part in national standardized examinations in Italian, mathematics and English, which are provided by Section 7 of Legislative Order 62/2017, which allows for the determination of epidemiological conditions and competent authorities. Failure to participate will not affect enrollment in the state exam under any circumstances.
According to Section 2 of Ministerial Order 742/2017, the certificate of competency is drawn up by the Class Council at the final ballot only for the students who receive the final diploma of the first round, except for the private students who have not been certified. For students who have participated in the National Standardized Tests, the Certificate of Skills is integrated as per Section 4, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Ministerial Order 742/2017
The National Model for Students with Certified Disabilities has been compiled with appropriate modifications, in line with the objectives set out in the Personalized Education Program (IEP).

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Certified Skills Concern:

  • Communication in the mother tongue or the language of instruction
  • Communication in foreign languages
  • Mathematical scholarship and basic skills in science and technology
  • Digital skills
  • Learning to learn
  • Social and civic skills
  • Try
  • Awareness and cultural expression.

The level reached for each skill is indicated by the following indicators:

  • Improved: Student performs tasks and solves complex problems, demonstrates proficiency in applying knowledge and skills; Proposes and supports its views and makes responsible decisions responsibly.
  • Intermediate: The student performs tasks and solves problems in new situations, makes conscious choices, and shows that he can use the knowledge and skills he has acquired.
  • Basic: The student performs simple tasks even in new situations, shows that he / she has basic knowledge and skills, and can apply the basic rules and practices learned.
  • Beginning: The student, if properly guided, performs simple tasks in known situations.

Exam tests conducted by video conference

With reference to art. 9 of OM n ° 52, – School Director Avi. As noted by Lucia Zavetieri Expansion Send an impetus request to the school manager to conduct an interview outside the school premises with their residency and relevant documents during the examination period for candidates who have been admitted to or out of hospital for maintenance or hospitalization – with the evaluation commission of her organization having the best quality teachers. The Chief Editor – or Chairman of the Commission – arranges the examination by video conference or other concurrent telematic mode.
Video conferencing or other sync mode is also provided:

  • Epidemiological conditions and the rules of competent authorities if necessary;
  • If the Chief Editor before the commencement of the examination session – or, later, the Chairman of the Commission – considers it inappropriate to apply any security measures established by the specific national security, as a result of the evolution of the epidemiological situation and related arrangements. Reporting this impossibility to the U.S. for school ethics and consequent assessments and conclusions.
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In cases where one or more commissioners or candidates are unable to attend the function in the presence of the examinee as a result of specific health arrangements related to the epidemiological emergency, the chairman of the commission arranges for the participation of interested parties. By video conference or other synchronous telematic method.

Release of results

The results of the examination are published at the end of the process by posting display boards in the school and separately for each class, along with an indication of the final score obtained, including indicating the courses if issued by the Commission. , Only in the reserved document area of ​​the electronic register, which is accessible by the students of the class concerned, with the sole indication of the words “not graduated” if they fail to pass the examination. (OM n ° 52, art.4, paragraph 4) The final diploma issued at the end of the first cycle examinations and the tables affixed to the school register do not mention any method of conducting the examination for students with deficiencies and specific learning disabilities. (OM n ° 52, Art 4, paragraph 5)
