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School Funding Plans: Download an Example

School Funding Plans: Download an Example


On 22 September 2021, the Hypothetical Agreement was signed on funding to improve the Training Offer (FMOF) implemented and implemented in the 2021/2022 academic year. The agreement confirms what funds were available last year and the same criteria for allocating resources to schools.

These resources are intended to balance teaching, education, and all additional activities of Atta staff.

What is finance?

These loans include company financing (fis), instrumental activities, specific Ata missions, vacation and night shift ATA / boarding schools, extra time to transfer teachers, time for sports training, ‘bilingual and trilingual pay, risk areas.

Former “bonus” sources

For this school year, alumni “bonus” resources are an integral part of the FMOF, and in the context of additional bargaining, they should be segregated between teaching, education and ATA staff. These resources, like last year, are no longer aimed at “rewarding” teachers, but can be used to pay all school staff for activities provided in the arts. According to 2007 Ccnl’s 88 School Bargaining Establishment.

Natural source for establishing funds

The new fund for improving the training offer was established by Article 39 of the new CCNL. It comes into effect from the 2018/2019 school year, and includes evidence for teachers of the old MoF, Bonus L. 107 and Budget Act 2018.

So adding a new fund to improve the training offer: FIS; Evidence for instrumental activities, resources for specific tasks ஆதார Evidence for sports training; Sources for overtime to replace absent colleagues; Sources for schools in high-risk areas; Evidence of bonuses for teacher promotion referred to in Act 107 was reduced by an increase in RPD; Resources Allocated by the Latest Budget Act, Professional Teaching CCNL 7/08/2014.

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MOF Finance

The new MOF fund therefore creates a “single fund” for teaching and ATA staff pay. This will be distributed differently to all schools through a national sub-agreement (there is a specific CCNI and then a CIR in the fund for risk areas) and, above all, it will also include distribution. Bonus schools of law 107..

Distribution parameters for schools

The new CCNL’s 39 bis, establishing CCNI nationwide, will have the following parameters for allocating resources to schools:

  • Number of service delivery points
  • Organic donation
  • Staff of Level II Intermediate Teachers for IDEI Fees
  • Areas at high educational risk
  • More complex parameters and size.

What will be paid by the new MOF

The new MOF fund will, through corporate bargaining, be used in schools to offset the same activities currently expected:

  • All functions of art. 88 of CCNL 2007
  • ATA specific tasks
  • Tool functions
  • Replacing colleagues with more time sports training and absenteeism
  • Plans and strong settlement process in endangered areas
  • Improving teachers.

Financial distribution

The section defines – says UIL school – schools and RSUs with clear parameters that allow the immediate possibility of measuring resources at the beginning of the year, regardless of resource interaction and authorization times, to accurately plan activities. For example, Friuli-Venice Giulia schools have integrated solutions to important problems that have arisen over the years from the recognition of a particular funding to schools that record the presence of porters, bilingual and trilingual. Dedicated funds to offset the dual compensation of non-existent DSGAs.

The opportunity for all staff, faculty and ADAs to access review funds has also been extended.

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Parameters that determine the calculation of resources

By finding the number:

  • 8,258 in schools;
  • Institutional Complex Schools 8,681;
  • 770,673 faculty members in law;
  • Of ATA staff in the body excluding DSGAs and reserved seats 195,523.50;
  • Intermediate Education Classes 199,925.00.

Parameters for calculating related institutional funds:

  • Financial institution (c. 4, Lett. A);
  • Complementary physical education activities (c. 4, Lett. B);
  • Tool functions (c. 4, letter c);
  • Specific tasks of ATA personnel (paragraph 4, letter d);
  • Areas at risk (c. 4, Lett. E);
  • More time to replace absent colleagues (paragraph 4, letter f);
  • Improving teaching staff (c. 4, Lett. G).

Educational Institution Finance (paragraph 4, letter a)

Every school has the right to:

  • சேவை 2,547.42 per service delivery point;
  • 323.69 Teaching, education and empowerment and empowerment of ATA staff (including reserved seats) for each employee member.

Additional fees are charged for secondary schools:

  • 336.10 The salary of teachers who carry out additional recovery activities in support of students with education loans to each teacher of the autonomous staff.

Additional fees are charged for boarding schools and boarding schools:

  • பதவி 1075.86 per post of academic staff;
  • Legal staff for vacation and night shifts of TA 320.15 per post of ATA and academic staff.

For example, a role for educational institutions in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region:

  • இரு 120,135.00 for bilingual and trilingual payments.

Every middle school has the right to start sports training

  • .5 85.55 for the number of classes in the law section.

Additional physical education activities (paragraph 4, letter B)

Each private school in secondary education is entitled to விளையாட்டு 85.55 for the introduction of sports training for the number of classes in the law section.

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Tool Functions (paragraph 4, letter c)

Every school has the right to:

  • A fixed fee is 1,422.02
  • Additional charge of நிறுவன 615.97 per institutional complex
  • An additional fee of 36.52 per school size (for each teacher in the autonomous staff, including support teachers).

Organizational issues include the following:

  • Extensive companies
  • Less Intermediate Education Institutions
  • Prison sections
  • Hospital units
  • CTP
  • Evening courses
  • Boarding schools and boarding schools.

Providing project proposals

These days, many schools issue circulars aimed at providing proposals for curriculum, supplementary and additional curricula to be implemented during the academic year. 2021-2022.
In order to pursue the definition of training offer for the current school year, teachers at all levels must submit plans for curriculum, supplementary and additional curricula to update the PTOF.

It is reminded that project proposals must comply with the priorities highlighted in the RAV and the terms of the PdM of the school organization to which they belong. In this regard, it should be noted that in the selection of independent programs, those offered online should be privileged. Project proposals are drawn up using models exclusively made by schools and will always be delivered in digital form to the email address provided by the schools.

Example of project in FIS for PTOF – Upgrade project
