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Ring Fit Adventure: Nintendo wants extra content for its gameplay

Ring Fit Adventure: Nintendo wants extra content for its gameplay

Released exclusively on Nintendo Switch in October 2019, The Ring Fit Adventure was the first major success, Accounting More than 10 million copies were sold Last March. The title suggests playing in a fun way, and Nintendo Wants to use this successful game.

During the meeting with the partners, the chairman Nintendo Shundaro Furukawa points out that there is really nothing to announce about the development of a continuum Ring Fit Adventure, Than Studio “Many people want to make various efforts to continue playing on this topic”. Understand this Nintendo I would like to provide additional content with free updates D.L.C. Money was paid, but nothing was explicitly confirmed.

As a reminder, Ring Fit is already entitled to the adventure Free update with music and racing mode, Enough to motivate players to start the title again, but Nintendo Apparently wants more. If you have not already cracked, Ring Fit Adventure Is on At 59.98 Amazon.

Also read: Ring Fit Adventure Test: A little physical pain and a lot of fun

Author VignetAmari M. / Clint 008
Writer – Tester
More or less noisy music explorer, hat and vinyl collector, fan of Blade Runner and Deuce X. I like Zombies and Kadulhu.
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