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Results of Afro-czus: 98% of all black people experience discrimination - political

Results of Afro-czus: 98% of all black people experience discrimination – political

Discrimination spreads throughout the lives of black people in Germany, at school, in private life, at work, in the doctor’s office, or on the street. And it affects practically everyone: 98.1 percent report experiences of discrimination, while only 2.7 percent say they have never experienced racism that is specifically associated with skin color.

Two-thirds of respondents think they are slightly worse than their white classmates, more than half (56 percent) say they have been tested by the police for no reason, and two-thirds have no experience of the doctors they consult. Complaints are serious.

It was discovered by Afrozensus on Tuesday, the first systematic study of the living conditions of people of African descent in Germany. It refers to all those who have black parents or immigrants from African countries, at least they are seen as “black”. That is about one million people in Germany.

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More than 6,000 people were interviewed online in late July and early September 2020 for the study, which was funded by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. The youngest is 16 years old and the oldest is 102 years old. They are from 144 countries and are mostly trilingual. The majority, i.e. seven in ten, were born in Germany.

Survey participants are slightly older than the youngest Afro community of about one million people in Germany. Although the majority are 20-39 year olds, they are “significantly younger than the general population,” said Daniel Chiamera. From the educational and self-help program “Eoto”, One of two companies that collected data with scientific support. So it is “about the future of this country”.

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Another result of the study, which the organizers emphasize: racism is denied. More than 90 percent of those surveyed said they would not be trusted when they raised the issue and shared their experiences. “It has implications for how racism is handled,” said Joshua Quasi Aikins, one of the writers. Many people should experience that this is not done properly or professionally so they will not get involved.

If black and poor: more disgrace

Additionally – this was not an issue when the results were presented – the Coalition Agreement of Traffic Lighting Parties sets some new accents. The SPD, Greens and FDP have declared the fight against racism against blacks as the focus of their anti-discrimination work, wanting to strengthen data retrieval and reporting and want to use police officers. The commitment to the “Decade for People of African Descent” proclaimed by the United Nations from 2014 to 2024 is explicitly stated.

However, you only have three years left, said Misha Maureen Ama, professor of gender education and gender researcher, in her speech on Tuesday. It worries her. Those who have to deal with the problem of racism are not victims, but state-owned enterprises that function as “decent institutions,” that is, fit for their mission. “Organizational activity is fundamental so that discriminated people can feel full social membership.” However, he believes that path has now been taken.

One problem with the study was that, as the authors admit, epidemics made face-to-face interviews impossible. This increased the ratio of those who could easily access digitally, i.e. the average better location and the ratio of educated people. As author Theresa Premberger added, it is precisely the privileged, the black poor or immigrants: inside, the most severely discriminated against, in all walks of life. This was taken into account when evaluating the data.

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