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La découverte d'un fossile appartenant à un nouveau type humain en Israël suggère que les Néandertaliens européens sont originaires du Proche-Orient. © Université de Tel Aviv

Discovery of the new species of Homo race in Israel

At a depth of eight meters, in the prehistoric site of Nasser Ramla in Israel, Dr. Zaitner did not expect to make a discovery that would revolutionize our knowledge of the origin of Neanderthals.

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[EN VIDÉO] Interview 5/5: Where did Homo sapiens come from in Europe?
The emergence of Homo sapiens in Europe is still an unresolved issue. Some experts believe it may have come from the east, while others see it passing through the Strait of Gibraltar. In this interview, Homo sapiens Sylvana Contemi, a paleontrologist, explains the problems of colonization of the European continent.

During excavations near the city of Ramla, researchers discovered prehistoric human remains that cannot be attributed to a single species Homo Already defined. In the published article In review Science, A team of anthropologists from the University of Tel Aviv and a team of archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem therefore define a new type Homo, Type Nasher Ramla. It was first described in Israel and named after the site where it was discovered. Human remains, which include a portion of the skull vault a Mandatory, Belongs to a person who lived between 140,000 and 120,000 years into our era.

The Morphology It is noteworthy that some of these bones have tooth and jaw characters in common By Neanderthal, When that Skull Are shared with the archaeologists of the genre Homo. Also, type Homo Nature differs from Ramla’s modern man in that it has a skull structure because it has no chin (which is a characteristic H. Sabians) And the presence of very large teeth.

The authors refer to it as well Archeology Man of Nazareth Ramla discovered along with horse bones, daims And Aroch and as well Tools that ensure advanced stone cutting technology. Not only is this fossil of man written by Nasser Ramla, its classification is confusing Anthropologists. Many human fossils previously discovered in Israel exhibited similar morphological characteristics, and now there is no doubt that this new type may be due to race. Homo.

Homo Nature Ramla: The “missing” population?

The discovery of the human race by Nasser Ramla has shaken the hypothesis that has emerged so far Neanderthals in Europe Then who Displaced into small groups South to escape formation Glaciers It would have reached Israel 70,000 years ago. In contrast, fossils suggest that the ancestors of the Neanderthals in Europe lived in the Near East 400,000 years ago and migrated several times to Europe and Asia.

This “missing” population in the now-owned fossil record Homo Nasser Ramla will be the majority population Pleistocene humans Have grown. This therefore indicates that the Neanderthals of Western Europe have only the remainder population of a large group appearing in the Near East.

The authors of the study also report that the Nature Ramla type of individuals were bred Homo sapiens, Came to the Middle East 200,000 years ago. So let us explain how the spatial-temporal location of the Nasir Ramla fossil Genoa From H. Sabians Neanderthals were found in the European population long before modern humans came to Europe. However, the Man of Nature is not in the fossil of RamlaADN And although it belongs to the “original” population of the race Homo Now preferred by teachers, it is inferior.