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Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services Lauber

Online from May 21, 2021 at 3:31 pm


Emergency services of the fire brigade, rescue service, paramedics and police were on duty in Wells City on Friday afternoon to rescue someone from an empty pool in a home garden.

A person fell into an empty pool while renovating a pool and was seriously injured. Rescue workers and an emergency doctor were on duty. The fire brigade was called in to rescue the person or take them to the rescue vehicle. With combined forces, the man was eventually rescued from the pool and taken to a rescue vehicle. The person was then taken to the Wells Clinic for further care.

Video series

Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Photo: Lauber

Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Photo: Lauber

Rescue people: In Wales the injured man was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Photo: Lauber

Rescue people: In Wales, an injured person was rescued after falling from a pool by emergency services

Photo: Lauber

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Presented by Matthias Labor
Created on 05/21/2021 at 3:26 pm,
Posted on May 21, 2021 at 3:31 pm,
Last updated on 05/21/2021 at 3:31 pm.