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maon, rende, Cosenza, Cultura

Rende, the municipality “unloads” Mao: to find another location

Further It does Museums have reopened. In the list sent to the press by the municipal offices, the On: The Art Museum of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries opens on May 4, 2004, at the initiative of the Capizano Center for the Arts and Culture. Recognized as a private museum, dedicated to modern and contemporary art Mybox And inserted into standard museum circuits. Simple forgetfulness of Rendezvous municipal and local administrations? This is the press question. If the municipality is in a hurry to indicate that the administration is private, the Palazzo Vittari (which owns the museum) is publicly owned; Contacted Roberto Principi Yes Antonio Goscarella, The head of the association that manages the beautiful museum in the soul and the ancient village, respectively, we have found that the current situation is far from straight line. In the meantime, we would like to point out that Tuesday is open from 4pm to 8pm from Tuesday to Saturday, with the possibility of opening by booking outside of pre-established times. This formula has been around for years, ”they say.

Read lCassette del Sut – Complete article in the paper edition of Cocenza

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