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Red Sock Time in the Union: Connaught CDU General Secretary Jimmy "Anne Will" - Politics

Red Sock Time in the Union: Connaught CDU General Secretary Jimmy “Anne Will” – Politics

Red sock time back in the union. The best candidate is Armin Lashet, who has a back wall in the election, or is behind the SPD, which is now already declared dead.

At CDR headquarters in Conrad-Adinavar-House, someone is apparently nervous. It was very tense as an electoral gimmick from the 90s was dug up again. Red sock.

[Wenn Sie aktuelle Nachrichten zur Bundestagswahl auf Ihr Handy haben wollen, empfehlen wir Ihnen unsere App, die Sie hier für Apple- und Android-Geräte herunterladen können.]

Union politicians have been warning of left-wing slides in Germany for days. In particular: In front of the SPD-led left-wing coalition. Part of the truth is that SPD man Olaf Scholes does not want to explicitly rule this out (implicitly, like the first TV trilogy with Armin Lashett and Annalena Barbach).

However, red-green-red in particular is unlikely to occur. On the one hand, the Left Party has the worst vote count. On the other hand, foreign policy demands (key word: NATO member of Germany) from SPD and Greens coalition talks are unlikely to succeed.

This is what SPD board member Kevin Kohnert wanted to clarify again after the first trail of the show on Sunday evening in Anne Will.

The most important Tagesspiegel articles for the 2021 federal election are:

After a brief introduction by CDU General Secretary Paul Jimenez, Kohnert began.

“Anyone who seriously believes in Olaf Souls – I repeat: Olaf Souls – communist tyranny is moving to Germany.