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Pop up System76! _OS 20.10 Ubuntu based Linux Destro is now available for download

Just yesterday, we were told that Ubuntu 20.10 was finally available for download. It was very exciting because it is the most popular Linux based desktop operating system on the planet (except Chrome OS, maybe).

Of course, having a highly identifiable name does not make Ubuntu the best Linux Destro. In fact, I can say with confidence that it is for sure No. The best. Pop! That’s because _OS.

If you do not know, pop! _OS is the native desktop operating system of computer maker System 76, which is based on Ubuntu. Company Pop! What it does with _OS is, basically, improving with changes and modifications in Ubuntu and making it more user friendly. Finally, Bob! _OS has become much better than the operating system it runs on. Does System76 stand on the shoulders of giants? Yes, but so what?

Today, System76 Pop! _OS announces the availability of 20.10, and as you might guess, it is based on Ubuntu 20.10 “Groove Gorilla”. In other words, it has all the features of the new Ubuntu security updates, such as Linux kernel 5.8 and GNOME 3.38, but it also has unique additions.

As someone who uses a 4K monitor, pop! Glad to see partial size in _OS. You can now measure 100% to 200% in increments of 25. This means you can customize your display to your liking. For me, 200% is too high, so I will try some other measurements.

Stay tuned for the monitors, Bob! _OS 20.10 comes with external monitor support in hybrid graphics mode. This is useful for laptop owners with both Intel and Nvidia graphics and for external display integration. You no longer need to restart to change modes.

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What is particularly surprising, however, is the stacking – something that was added in version 20.04 after the initial release of the operating system. Computer 76 Explains Below this new feature.

Stack stacked windows on top of each other for easy setup, just like the tabs in your web browser. First, use Super + S to layer a window. Using Super + Enter and your arrow keys or Wim shortcuts will add a window to your stack. You can start an application in stock using Super +/ to add automatically. Super + left or right arrows rotate between stacked windows. Finally, move the windows from layer to layer and press Super + S to make it a standard window.

Remember, Bob! _OS is 20.10 No. For System76 hardware. Most likely, all the hardware that can run Ubuntu will pop up! Can run _OS. If you want to try the operating system – I highly recommend you – you can download an ISO Here. If you try this, tell us how you like it in the comments below.

Image credit: Home Art / Shutterstock