From a few hours Pokemon25, The 25th anniversary of the brand planned for February 27th, the Japanese company Pokemon organized a streaming event in which important announcements were made with iconic pocket monsters in the next video games. Revelation Pokemon Legends Arcius, The new episode of the series, created by Game Freak, is expected in 2022. What strikes the trailer is the structure and costumes of the characters: the elements that characterize how the title is set in the past and the elements that aim to show timeless synergy between humans and Pokemon.
For this reason, the system of Pokemon Legends Arsius will be one Feudal version of the Sinno region, Already found in the titles of the series up to the fourth generation Pokemon. This reason presents an open world structure and is therefore characterized by extended dimensions – some experience already in the past Pokemon sword and shield – and the opportunity to be independently explored. Another interesting feature of the trailer is the stealth component. In fact, it seems that it is no longer necessary to fight it openly to catch the desirable monster, but if it is obscured by plants, it will not be possible to get the desirable creature, using the surprising factor to launch Bokipala. Fight. In general, the capture system appears more fluid and immediate than before. Beginners will also appear in a video released by The Pokemon Company, which is the Pokemon to choose from at the start of the adventure. In particular, can decide between Syntagil, Oshovod e Rollet, Already seen in previous generations. The ultimate goal of the game will lead to the creation of the first Pokிடmon in history.
So the future of Pokemon looks to the past to try new reinterpretations of the brand. Pokemon Legends Arcius A ‘ The Nintendo Switch is exclusive As previously announced, this will come in 2022, especially in the first half of the year. In addition to the new canonical episode of the series, during the streaming event, remakes of the Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl and the new Pokemon Snap were announced, the title of which will be able to photograph monsters in their natural habitats.
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