Niantic released a review this morning of exploring the world together in 2021 with some interesting facts. More information on Niantic’s operations and successes this year can be found at the official Niantic Blog. Below is a summary we received by email:
Niantic Highlights:
- Runs 7 billion kilometers
- 3.8 million new route points were added
- Five acquisitions, two new games and the introduction of the Lightship Developer Platform
- 872 million resonators are in use
- 2.9 million operating capsule projects completed
- 43 million drones flew
New features and events including:
Core, NL-1331X US Summer Tour, Dronenet Layer, Niantic Social
Pokemon GO
- 12 billion gifts were sent
- 2.9 billion hatched eggs
- 4.8 billion team defeated GO Rüpel
New features and events including:
Collection Challenges, Pokémon GO Tour: Condo, Fern Raids, 5th Anniversary, Postcard Collection
Pigmin Bloom (Within two months)
- 113.9 million Pygmies grew
- 63.8 million flowers have been planted
- 338 billion actions have been taken
Are you playing one or more of these Niantic games on your smartphone? Write to us in the comments!
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