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PFAS limitations are discussed: the province blames Arba

PFAS limitations are discussed: the province blames Arba

Alexandria – Investigation Pfas: Provincial President’s hearing ends at 3pm today, Gianfranco Balti During the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the illegal activities associated with the waste cycle and the environmental offenses associated with them. After Baldi’s early introduction, he was an engineer Claudio Cofano, Responsible to the Department of the Environment for answering questions from the Chairman and Honorable Member of the Commission Alberto Solace.

The Commission was critical of the selection of the FIFA limits indicated by the province cC6O4 refers to the accreditation granted to Solway for the expansion of production (subject to various interventions to be implemented by the Company).

Cofano has repeatedly questioned Arba: “These are the limitations pointed out by Arba during the trial, and the absence of a state rule would certainly have a serious impact on this recognition.

Solway, for its part, made it when it was not authorized to build CC6O4, according to engineer Cofano.. To this end the company was reported to the judicial authority by the province through Carabinieri del disease and warned against making it.

So, in essence, the province first grants approval to increase CC6O4 production (even if it holds shares) and then realizes that the company has been producing it without approval since the end of 2017 (until that moment Mitteni – then closed – ended the cycle and sent it back to Spinetta) And warns the company.

Not only that. The Commission is concerned with how the province – “must be strict” – has included limitations in regulations that do not yet existBecause, for now, these are only draft laws, and it does not trust the official and strict laws of the Istidu Superior de Sanida and ISPRA (the highest body for environmental protection and research).

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Again Claudio Cofano’s response was a call to Arba: “We have imposed the limits proposed by Arba at the Service Conference, Restrictions in accordance with the Environmental Link (Draft Act at the Inception of the Ministry). Also, ISPRA or the Higher Health Organization, although invited to the service conference, did not present themselves or send us technical information. “

If both organizations for health and environmental protection do not appear on the service conference schedule, why are Alexandrian executives not bothered to heed their guidelines?

His Excellency Alberto Solesi reiterated that the work of the Commission was not to blame but to bring about useful elements for all, recalling that the province had the power to sign those documents. “It is better to stop production because of your warnings – Solace explained – But why do you firmly believe that the health of workers and citizens of Alessandria, Spinetta and the entire Po Valley is safe?