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Pericits: How to properly observe the peaks of tonight’s shooting stars

The peak of the shooting stars is from the night of August 12 to 13, 2021. (© Michael Manswitch / Unsplash)

If you have an evening to spend your head in the stars, it’s tonight, Thursday 12th to Friday 13th August 2021. it The most spectacular shooting star night of the year, the pinnacle of percussion Notable from the end of July, it peaks at night.

If Weather conditions, Generally favorable, there, show guaranteed.

A little reminder: What are Perseids?

The meteor shower began in earnest on July 26, when NASA’s first meteorite was observed. Returns in August each year, with a traditional peak in mid-August.

If they take their name from the constellation Perseus and it appears where they came from, these meteorites are actually reminiscent of comet Swift-Tuttle fragments. NASA.

The comet passes “once every 133 years between the Sun and beyond Pluto’s orbit”. Every year, the Earth moves closer to the comet’s path and “the debris left by Swift-Dutt appears as meteorites in our sky”.

“They are very small cometary debris”, as already explained General Secretary Astronomical Society of France, Gilles Davitovich.

Each shooting star is actually a dust particle, moving at a speed of 36 miles per second. When this dust cloud enters the atmosphere, the grains ignite.

Gilles DavitovichSecretary-General of the French Astronomical Society

When to notice them?

During the peak, it was scheduled from 9pm to midnight Stelvision, Professional in astronomical observation, can see up to 110 shooting stars per hour when the crescent moon is still in the sky.

While he was in bed, this Thursday night after 11:15 – 11:30, many more shooting stars were visible in the clear moonlight sky. Even after that night, Perseids are found in small numbers, on the following nights.

How to take care of them?

To observe them, there is no need for a telescope, and Perseid is visible to the naked eye. To see them better, it is better to stay away from light polluting areas and urban areas.

Find a comfortable place, avoid bright lights as much as possible (yes, including your phone), and give your eyes time to adjust the darkness – up to half an hour if you can.


Mountains, beaches, beaches, countryside … these are the perfect places to look. “It’s good to have a clear horizon,” Gilles Davydovich advises, looking “between the north and the northeast of the sky”.

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If conditions in your area are not always favorable, you can observe the event through social networks, especially through organized live. The Meteoroid Environment Office at Marshall Space Flight Center in Nasa.

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