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Patch 1.3.6 is set to be released this afternoon

Patch 1.3.6 is set to be released this afternoon

Return: Patch 1.3.6 to be released this afternoon

The recently released PlayStation 5 exclusive “Return” still has some annoying issues. Among other things, this can lead to damaged game savings that destroy all progress. Developers in charge of Housemark have praised the progress, as progress on the action topic has to be earned hard.

No need to worry about damaged memory

After several patches have already been released in the last few days, some of them have been withdrawn due to new issues, developers said CommunicationAnother software link is available for download today. Accordingly, the new update is expected to be downloaded by 1 p.m. This is important because by this time you must have completed your current cycle, otherwise you will leave the game and lose unsaved progress. Alternatively, you can turn off automatic updates so as not to ruin the run.

With today’s update, among other things, issues with damaged storage states need to be eliminated. Also, one wants to provide multiple stability improvements, which should eliminate some rare accidents. Pre-order cases will correct misbehaving behavior as well as block objects and doors.

More in this regard: Returning to the test – brilliantly uncomfortable frontier experience!

Housemark wants to solve problems in the main tasks of self-determination, which includes many minor bug fixes that are not specifically named.

If you are interested, you can find additional news about “Return” in our topic overview. Many players, among other things, wanted a storage system to be included that would at least allow caching. In this regard, the developers are still there There is no end Met.

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More news Will return.

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