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Oracle of the Ages & Seasons forced Nintendo to upgrade its game – Feature – Marseille News

Oracles de Zelda

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, we run a series of features that look at each major Zelda game – a theme, character, mechanic, location, memory or whatever. Today, Gavin wonders how Oracle Games has shown that external developers have taken Nintendo’s lessons to heart …

To Zelda fans who failed to play every record of the series – Hey, there are a lot! – Oracle Games usually find you stuck in backlinks and to-do lists. This does not mean that they are interconnected Game Boy Color titles The Legend of Zelda: The Oracle of Ages And Oracle of the Seasons Not fantastic top-down adventures with troops of dedicated fans, but they are the most overlooked entries in a long series.

But why is this? One factor may be that they were released at the end of the life of Game Boy Color (released in Japan on February 27, 2001), even though they could be played on Game Boy Advance. In fact, they were subtle Reinforced For the new console, Stockwell’s exclusive Advance Store and modifications to the smaller color settings enhanced the game’s readability on the GPA’s awkward dark screen. Still, you haven’t bought a new console to play the latest generation games, have you?

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Visually, both Oracle games are very widely distributed Link Awareness D.X. Print, so if you are playing via the old 2D Zeldas you may want to skip them. Oracle of Ages and Seasons were the first “perfect” Zelda games to be outsourced to another studio, so time-pressing purists could put them in the back of the pack for that reason.

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what is that? Are you back? Yes, yes, of course we are familiar with CD games, but Nintendo has sent their “Men in Black” door-to-door. He was never so careful with his valuable intellectual property, so the fact that Oracle games were not made locally makes everything all the more remarkable and interesting. Who would want to date a person who can’t even spell his name correctly?

The flagship, coached by Konami and Capcom veteran Yoshiki Okamoto, runs under the Capcom umbrella and is designed with Nintendo into three headlines, with elements that bind and transform them. With the biggest success of the start Pokemon The games that are on their minds (and the dollar signs shining on their eyebrows) should make sense in applying that “sister game” logic to other game series.

This “triforce” of topics became more complex to create when given the time and resources available; The GPC turned out to be a dodo with Zelda’s Totrio password system, which changed the game experience and results depending on what you played first, however you could play one or the other. ‘The other alone is fortunately enough to be an experience alone and ignore the little story hooks and connective tissue completely.

Even if you have played one or both, Oracle games are awesome; Top-down classic Zelda adventures featuring the best elements of the series. The power to change the seasons for climate change puzzles during the Oracle of Seasons provided plenty of opportunities, and time travel with the Harp of Ages restored many memories of the Dark World and Oracle of the Oracle Ocarina’s time travel scenario. Periods.

They built the foundations of Link’s awareness not only graphically, but also spiritually, with a bizarre cast of characters competing for the show’s most beautiful and bizarre NPCs. Old favorites meet again, namely Malone and Ingo Ocarina, Guru-Guru Phonograph Player (Soundtrack? Soundtrack?), And – personal preference – scary grooming hand Mask of Majora. Return favorites sit with enchanting newcomers, most of whom have not been seen since: Skeleton Pirate Captain, Pipin and Blossom (and their son, whom you have the honor to name), Suprosiers Underground., Alan Le Bo and others. Ridiculous animal comrades, Ricky Kangaroo, Dmitry Dodongo and Moosh Blue Bear (who can fly, Notch).

Areas of Holotrum and Labrina are as unique and lovingly created as Hirol and Coholind – by their geography and their people – from the outside they may be familiar to Zelda 2D players.

This is the biggest review you can make on Oracles games; On the surface, they look like extensions of Link Awareness DX. They completely root out that Zelda ‘formula’ in which they begin to feel the same. They were launched in the post-Ocarina period when the Zelda series became a familiar routine; 3D front, Le Wind Walker The audience may have been enthralled by his bold art style, but the machine underneath was not very different from the Ocarina, and Twilight Princess Will operate again in the same pattern. Nintendo had a problem, and Oracle Games was the first to highlight it: Not only by creating the essence of a series that changes the basis of a machine, but how do you keep it when it is created mechanically? You can tell what to wait for Wild breath Rather than throwing an innovative tool at the same old formula, finding the solution and bringing the series back to its predecessor roots.

The flagship will provide a nice GPA port Link to the past Next year (including four swords), there is no shortage of Zelda 2D to play on hand, and the company will continue to produce Minish hat Even in 2004 – another fantastic small entry and exterior studio is further proof that Nintendo first mastered the grammar with the Legend of Zelda. If the Oracle games made it easy for her and kept the Zelda series unique and “special” it would be the first sign that Nintendo really needed to improve their game. The development landscape was abruptly filled with talented individuals who had saved Hirole for a decade, and five years after the release of the Oracles game, another development team, owned by Capcom – Clover, completed the studio’s exterior with 3D and Zelda’s formula. OkamiThe incredible Inquash art style has caused a stir on the PS2, and its basic gameplay When Zelda.

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Nowadays there are plenty of games that pay homage to the Zelda series – both in 2D and 3D – and they are very good. Where does it leave Oracle games? A few decent Zeldas “idle”? Hey, you can play any ‘tribute’ you want, but if you yearn for the real Mecca and don’t have time to play age or seasons, you better go. This is a testament to the overall quality of a pair of games This is good rans can’t even be noticed.

If travel restrictions are hampering your plans for a summer trip, book a round trip to the Holocaust or Labrina.