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Olympic qualification of German handball players: Tokyo - After a clear 36:27 for the game

Olympic qualification of German handball players: Tokyo – After a clear 36:27 for the game

Suddenly it happened very quickly. Julius Cone catches the ball from the thrown ball and pulls it towards the goal, letting the game device float in the net. After 30 seconds, Melsunger was able to score the next goal in his account, while the national team scored four goals within two minutes. It was the start of the DHP selection attack fireworks display against Slovenia on Saturday, which was attended by Con & Co. Finally won with 36:27 (22:12). This is an important step towards the Olympics.

Unlike the previous day against vice-world champions Sweden, the German team was convincing with good level play, ball defense and above all great speed. The counter-impulses, the second wave, the fast medium – there were plenty of differences. The described Intermediate Sprint brought the team of national coach Alfred Kislason with three men for the first time (11, 8: 5), meanwhile the lead increased to eleven (28, 21:10). “You noticed we went into the duels very smoothly and with a lot of confidence,” Cohn said.

Goalkeeper Wolf stands between the posts when he returns

The support needed came from compact defense, after which Andreas Wolf won between positions. Following the injury-related defeat of Johannes Bitter, the goalkeeper was given priority over Silvio Heinwetter under contract with Keells. The national coach goalkeeper approached the question very practically. Most Swedes play in Germany, so in the first game he chose two goalkeepers hired by the Bundesliga.

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On the other hand, the Slovenes are mainly staffed on the international stage – the Wolf Stadium. The 30-year-old showed that his confidence was justified, with 37 per cent of the balls fished out of the gate. The former Berlin Heinwetter, who got his time in the final quarter, was allowed to celebrate his 200th international match in his former living room.

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“Andy stood out wonderfully today – it makes life easier. The defense was very strong and flexible, so it was easy for us to build pressure forward, ”said a satisfied national coach. If the national team wins the last match against Algeria (3:45 pm) the way to the summer games in Tokyo is assured. “We’re close,” says Cohn, who doesn’t want to shift a gear against the African representative of the tournament.