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Obligation to get a green pass at work: Download the free guide

Obligation to get a green pass at work: Download the free guide

Green Boss Govt19On October 15, 2021, the Green Pass will be mandatory for both public and private employees.

Legal Order of 21 September 2021, n. 127, Official Gazette no. 226/2021, actually marks one of the most important steps to restart in every field of work, but it calls both worlds the same way Businesses That B.A. Supported by a large organizational challenge, especially with decentralized guidelines.

The order establishes an obligation for the following types:

  • Public administration staff;
  • Subjects holding selected offices and senior corporate positions;
  • Those working in the private sector;
  • Executive staff and judges.

In the public and private sectors, the employer has a dual responsibility to verify compliance with the requirements and to identify persons responsible for detecting and reporting any violations.

To help professionals, studios and companies cope with this process, Walters Clover offers a free guide dedicated to Green Pass Mandatory in the Workplace.

Developed by Martorana Law Firm,’s collaborator, operational guide summarizes key points in a definite way: practical aspects of restrictions, technical tools, privacy issues, exemptions, obligations, restrictions, etc.

>>> Download the guide for free <<

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