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Nvidia Canva paysage IA

Nvidia Canvas: The tool to turn your ugly maps into landscapes is finally available

It is possible to turn an old painting into a beautiful photovoltaic landscape with Nvidia’s artificial intelligence canvas.

Remember in 2019, we presented you with this interesting tool imagined by Nvidia Turn simple maps into amazingly realistic photo landscapes. At the time, the tool was already very promising, yet only a prototype, and used Kug Khan’s artificial intelligence to function. Two years later, in 2021, Nvidia has come a long way. The company yesterday unveiled the canvas, a beta version of its photographic reality drawing tool.

In short, the use of canvas makes this possible Create realistic landscapes with simple sketches through hard virtual brushes. To run Nvidia Notification, the tool logically requires a good amount of artificial intelligence, but one GPU RTX. Each brush color is actually associated with a specific structure (clouds, mountains, sand, grass, etc.). In addition to the impressive sense of reality, the tool offers many dynamic filters that can transform the resulting landscape into a masterpiece or change its environment, for example from day to night. Once the image is created, it can be exported to Adobe Photoshop image processing software to continue working.

Not only is Canvas particularly satisfying and addictive, but Canvas has already promised to find its interest on the side of graphic designers, for example creating art and illustrations before making an animated film.