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NT Awards 2021

NT Awards 2021: Best Game Extension – ntower

For some they are a one sided issue, while for others it is more of a welcome addition to their favorite sport; We are talking about game extensions. We want from you to be a part of it NT Awards 2021 Find out which game extensions inspired you last year and, in your opinion, were particularly successful. You too have diligently followed this call and now we would like to take a closer look at which extensions came in the top 5 places.

Here’s how to define a category:


Best Game Extension:

It is now common practice for developers to add additional content after launching their game. The most important example might be Super Smash Brothers Ultimate with the Fighters pass. But games like Immortals Fenyx Rising, Monster Hunter Rise, Hyrule Warriors: Era of Destatation or Animal Crossing: New Horizons were also able to force many players to restart the game after a long hiatus. What extra content do you think deserves to be re-featured and appreciated?

While things in other categories were ultimately exciting, most of you were relatively unanimous when it came to recommendations. Based on that, most of you enjoy spending your free time in the tropical islands, going through the world of hieroglyphs or fighting with other Nintendo characters on the platform of the same name. Also, many of you seem to have a soft spot for monsters; By that I mean both really big beasts and their smaller relatives that fit in Poké balls. But we do not want to keep you as a candidate for the title anymore Best game extension They are:

  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home Paradise
  • Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Fighters Pass Module. 2
  • Hirol Warriors: Age of Calamity Expansion Pass
  • Additional enhancements for the new Pokémon Snap
  • Additional enhancements to Monster Hunter Rice

24 hours For what you voted for in this category With the publication of this news! In the following poll you can vote for the best extension to the Nintendo Switch title. The results of this category and the results of incoming votes will be calculated according to the final category, certified by our virtual notary and then issued to you.

Finally, we would like to mention the names of all the candidates who unfortunately did not make it into the top 5:

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