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Le rapport de la NOAA est accablant concernant l'évolution du changement climatiques sur Terre. © Никита Ежов, Fotolia

NOAA’s worst report

NOAA has updated the status of its climate dashboard, which provides an overview of climate change in early 2022, its causes and effects.

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[EN VIDÉO] 5 most frequent weather events due to climate change
Weather hazards have always been a part of our daily lives. But with climate change, this time exceptional events are coming back again and again. Here are 5 weather events we will often experience in the coming decades.

Greenhouse gases, ice Arctic, Glaciers In the mountains, sea temperature, sea level rise, spring snowfall, global temperature and solar cycles are the main factors studied. NOAA To determine Climate. The U.S. Executive Report Provides great data on the state of our planet.

Greenhouse gases: continuous rise

In 2020, the Heat Created by everyone Greenhouse gases of human activity 47% more than in 1990. Emissions From Carbon dioxideMethane Nitrous oxide And other similar gases have only increased in the last 30 years. It is connected, despite the global crisis International spread From Govit-19 Disabled the operations of several departments for a few months. In the picture below, we can clearly see that the trend of the curve is stable and regular: development efforts of some countries Green energies The overall level of results from 1980 to 2020 is clearly insufficient and not significant.

Carbon dioxide: an unprecedented increase

The Carbon dioxide concentration There has been a 45% increase since the start of use in the atmosphere (the main greenhouse gas) Fossil fuels. The curve below shows a frantic uprising that has not stopped anything since the 1960s. The sawdust curve indicates its concentration. Ppm (Parts per million) and the second curve in the middle (solid line) 12 months average trend.

This second diagram of the evolution of carbon dioxide concentration may be confusing: the presence of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is indeed subject to fluctuations over time, although over time it changes. Year 0 onwards: Rapid increase 2020 years gap, previous increases … spread over 200,000 years!

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Melting Arctic ice: Nearly half in 30 years

Since satellite ratings began in 1979, the ice surface has covered the ocean Arctic By the end of the summer (“snow minimum”) it had dropped by more than 40%. During the summer of 1979-2020, the Arctic Ocean covered an average of 15% ice cover: since 1980, this ice cover has decreased by 13.1% for a decade, according to the data National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Remember that Proof Ice is one of the most important indicators of global warming. If this melt appears to be geographically distant and far removed from our everyday concerns, it should be noted that ice is essential for regulating ice. Weather Global. Thanks to them Color White, they reflect 95% of the rays soleil, Which keeps the site temperature low, but they also have an impact on temperatures in other parts of the world.

Retreat of glaciers in the mountains

Since 1980, the The melting rate of mountain glaciers Doubles every decade. Dizzy curve Climate of the Global Glacier Monitoring Service Showing the evolution of glaciers over a period of 50 years. From 1970 to 2020, each of the world’s glaciers lost an average of 27.5 meters of ice. Among the most threatening glaciers in the world, the Glaciers Himalayas : Step Released in June 2021, the UN, Hindu Kush and the Himalayas will lose two-thirds Volume By 2100, current trends in gas emissions remain the same. What we call the “Third Pole” could cause water and food shortages for the 1.7 billion people living along its riverbanks: Afghanistan, Tibet, Pakistan or even Nepal are watered by these glaciers.

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Ocean temperature: Rapid rise from 2000

The NOAA estimates that the seas have risen from 0.58 to 0.78 Watt d ‘Thermal energy Per square meter between 1993 and 2020Sea temperature rise Contributes to sea level rise, melting ice and degradation of coral reefs. This curve shows the evolution of the temperature of the oceans measured at a depth of 800 meters below the surface, compared to the average temperature from 1955 to 2006. Before the actual eruption, temperatures had risen sharply above average since the mid-1990s. Heat from the 2000s.

Worldwide, the ocean surface has warmed by more than 0.1 C for a decade since 1971. Moreover, this increase in temperature is not only felt on the surface because the temperature rise has been detected to a depth of at least 3,000 meters.

Sea level rise: A record in 2020

The water level has risen by an average of 20 to 22 centimeters since 1880 The speed of this rise in the water level Between 2006 and 2015 it was twice as high Speed Height during XXe Century. The curve below indicates sea level rise (in light blue) and satellite measurements (in dark blue) for rising water levels. In 2020, the average sea level reached a new record: 91.3 mm (9.1 cm) higher than in 1993.

According to someone Study published in Environmental Research Letters, More than 510 million people now live in areas below sea level if global warming is +1.5 ° C compared to pre-industrial times. According to the IPCC, a limit will be reached by 2030.

According to satellite data from 1993, sea levels around the world have risen sharply. In the map below, the areas in dark blue have increased in size: especially from Asia to the North Pacific, from North America to the Atlantic and from Argentina to the Atlantic South.

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Spring snow has been receding for 20 years

Since 1967, spring snowfall has been 1.4% per decade in April, 4.1% in May and 12.9% in June. The graphic below showsDisorder, In millions of kilometers, between snow-covered surfaces from April to June each year, compared to the 1981-2010 average. For 20 years, almost every spring has been less than average in terms of the size of the snow-covered areas. Spring frost is very important Biodiversity : Its size, and its melting in summer, irrigates plants, fills rivers, provides water points Wildlife It also has an impact on the Deep season.

Global temperature: +1 C since 19th centurye Century

Global warming is integrating The average temperature of the earth And average sea temperature. Global warming Terre Compared to the average of XX, from 1880 to 2020 the recorded temperatures are subject to a clear increase, as seen in the downward curve.e Century. The warming rate has more than doubled since 1981. From the end of XIXe In the century, the global average temperature has risen by almost 1 C.

In the NOAA Planesphere, we observe that the Arctic Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, is subject to the greatest temperature rise following Asia and Russia.

Solar cycles: Very weak to explain warming

NOAA rated Brightness The sun varies on average 0.1% Each solar cycle lasts 11 years. In the last century, variations have been minimal and its effects on Earth have been minimal. None of these variations in solar activity are sufficient to explain current global warming, according to the NOAA.

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