So far we have Nintendo Let no one see his cards. What aces the company got Kyoto, Japan, In hand? Anyway, there are some great games that will appear in 2021. A leak now gives us clues as to what these are.
This potential leak is coming from a Twitter user PH BrazilWho accurately predicted some Nintendo messages in the past. PH Brazil Nothing in particular is mentioned, but four (plus one) Nintendo owners have shared an image titled “Felice 2021” with the owners, such as “Happy 2021”. He then followed up with another tweet of another Nintendo franchise. A lot Player Seems to believe the leak suggests it Nintendo These games (brands) in 2021 Click Published.
The first film comes from the trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. 2021 is the 35th anniversary of the Zelda brand, so gamers expect Nintendo to celebrate with big game releases. There seems to be no better way to make Zelda’s anniversary memorable than the long-awaited release date of Breath of the Wild 2. However, according to other rumors, remakes of Skyward Sword, Windwaker HD and Twilight Princess HD are also set to appear on the hybrid console.
– PH Brazil (lphluttilippe) December 31, 2020
Nintendo Switch Games in 2021
The other three brands in the first tweet are Splatoon, Android and Fire Emblem. This seems a bit early for the Splatoon 3, so Nintendo might be the one Expansion for Splatoon 2 Is scheduled. On the other hand, Nintendo’s support for Splatoon 2 has dropped significantly over the past year, so one Splatoon 3 release Maybe that’s fair.
As for Metro, a tweet referring to Android Prime 4 is possible, but other rumors suggest that the game release is still several years away. Maybe relate PH Brazil Rumored 2D in the Android game, but that’s speculation now.
The Metro Prime trilogy is already expected by gamers for the Switch. – (c) Nintendo
Fire Symbol: Three houses Released only in 2019, so it’s hard to believe that a new Fire Emblem game will ever come to Nintendo Switch. On the other hand, a new Fire Emblem game is usually released every two to three years. Maybe it will actually happen in 2021.
Finally, Nintendo mentioned the leak rumors Pokemon Diamond and Pearl-remakes With a picture of Dialka. Without the extra context for these pictures and tweets, fans shouldn’t put too much emphasis on them, but it will be interesting to see how closely Switch’s 2021 games match these pictures.
On which Nintendo Switch-Games Are you happy? 2021 (And beyond)? Tell me in the comments!
The full release list of all games for the Nintendo Switch and Go can be found at the Daily Game.
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