Nintendo 3DS: Iconic Portable Console History. (Photo: Nintendo)
No time now?
After about ten years, production for the 3DS will come to an end. Nintendo no longer builds portable consoles. So far, the Japanese sports company has sold more than 75 million 3DS devices.
The 3DS handheld console was launched in 2010 and launched a year later, finally making history, as Nintendo announced on its website – in Germany. Current versions of the new 3DS XL, New 2DS XL and 2DS models are still listed there, but with the note: “Nintendo 3DS family systems are no longer made”. In Some distributors There are Still remaining stock To.
The 3DS family has not been updated recently
However, Nintendo has rarely updated its 3DS family, including 2DS versions without the 3D effect, in recent years. The last version was released in 2017 as the new Nintendo 2DS XL reports. At the same time, the Japanese sports company will eventually be able to successfully rate the 3DS portable console. After all, various devices in the 3DS family have been sold more than 75 million times – but the popular pioneer DS
At the start of sales, Nintendo’s 3DS initially appeared to be a slow seller Margin writes. Only a drastic reduction of up to 40 per cent in prices within a few months of its introduction gave a strong impetus to sales. As a kind of compensation, for first time buyers, of course not exactly happy, they got 20 NES and Game Boy Advance games downloaded for free. The most successful game of the 3DS is the Mario Kart 7, which has sold nearly 19 million units.
Nintendo now relies entirely on the switch
Following the now-announced end of the Wii U and 3DS discontinued in 2017, Nintendo is at its full potential Switch-console. The successor to 3DS has not yet been named. It is rumored that the hybrid console switch, which was released in 2017 and has sold over 61 million times so far, will be launched in a new version in 2021. The device, which can be used while traveling with both TVs, should provide greater clarity than the current model. With this, Nintendo wants to continue the competition between Sony and Microsoft, which recently announced new PlayStation and Xbox models.
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