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New Year Event for Pokémon GO Introduced • Nintendo Connect

New Year Event for Pokémon GO Introduced • Nintendo Connect

Sound at 2022 with the New Year event Pokemon GO Nyandik is something that gives us Pokemon GO-Blog Has provided!

Flegmon Happy New Year 2020 to you! Wait a minute – it’s almost 2022! Why is Flekmon still wearing these glasses? At least the slow smoke is in a refreshed state. You can expect a return to some well-known Pokemon with new outfits, matching avatar items and party hats. The new Shiny Pokemon is coming too Pokemon GO Introduced for the occasion.

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO

The New Year event will be held on Friday, December 31, 2021 from 10pm to 8pm local time on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 Pokemon GO, The dressed Pokemon will reappear. These will also appear as part of new tentative research, and will include new ones this year Hoodoot Mid NewJurshut And a 2022 Smoke slowly with glasses.

As part of the event, double-broiler starter, double-breasted candy and half-egg distance will be applied. From December 31, 2021 to January 2, 2022 you can see the Camille crackers. In addition, new avatar articles are available.

The following new items will continue to be available in the store from the beginning of the event and after the event. If you rotate PokéStops or open gifts, you will receive appropriate stickers at the beginning of the year. These stickers are also available in the store.

  • 2022 glasses
  • New Year helmet
  • New Year jacket set
  • New Year’s pants
  • New Year shoes