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New scam on WhatsApp, don't get caught in the web!

New scam on WhatsApp, don’t get caught in the web!

WhatsApp, which has over 2 billion users worldwide, is constantly being targeted by hackers for trying to steal personal information and other scams. So caution is needed, especially to avoid this new scam.

If someone on WhatsApp tells you to dial a phone number with ten digits starting at 65 or 405, do not do that. The hacker can be trusted and call the victim. But this is a scam, which allows the fraudster to control the WhatsApp account.

Strange phone numbers

Rahul Sasi, founder and security researcher at CloudSek, a company that specializes in developing artificial intelligence to prevent cyber threats, made the discovery. He says this is how things go: The hacker accesses the WhatsApp account and asks for money from the victim’s contacts “Relatives can easily fall into the trap of getting news from acquaintances.

In this way, the hacker fraudulently accesses WhatsApp contacts before the victim even realizes that he has lost control of his account. Rahul Sasi continues. In addition, the application allows payment in cryptocurrencies, which is an additional angle of attack.

As far as France is concerned, fraud is very rare as numbers beginning with 67 or 405 are not common. But in other countries this is not necessary, which explains the risk of this fraud.

However, to protect yourself from such scams, it is wise to implement two-step verification in the application (instructions for use are here) Address) Do not forget to fill in your email with PIN, this will prevent anyone from taking your account and embarrassing you.

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