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New portal experience "Zombie Survival" is available - update

New portal experience “Zombie Survival” is available – update

The “Battlefield Portal” has been expanded to include a zombie mode. For a week you have time to compete on the team against the undead.

Battlefield 2042: New Zombie Survival Portal Experience - Updated

Update: Meanwhile, “Zombie Survival” had to be removed again. This portal experience was misused by players for farm experience points.

Real news: Battlefield 2042’s portal mode offers you extraordinary gaming experiences created by the community. Latest “Zombie SurvivalYou can play from today. You have a week until January 27th.

4 players against 60 undead

A team competes against 60 bloodthirsty zombies at once. In character models, the undead are actually soldiers. However, they can not run fast and there is only one blade.

The goal is to survive for an hour. Get as many kills as possible. If one of your team members dies, you must remove a certain number of zombies to revive them. Incidentally, weapons can also be stationed here.

The game is played in small mapping genres from these offshoots:

  • “Battlefield 1942”
  • “Battlefield 3”
  • “BF: Bad Company 2”
  • “Battlefield 2042”.

Otherwise, you can download the 3.2 update from today. With this, the development team has again removed many bugs and improved the stability. You can read about the most important changes in the article attached below. Self Next update Is already anticipated and will bring changes to the scoreboard among others.

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