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New formats for Indians at Gamescom 2021 • Nintendo Connect

New formats for Indians at Gamescom 2021 • Nintendo Connect

Although the world’s largest gaming event will take place digitally again this year, GamesCom 2021 will not see indie games. New formats for Indians in Gamescom 2021 are now discussed through a press release.

Indie Developers Note: GamesCom 2021 Offers More Advanced Indie Arena Booth Online (abbreviated IAP Online) Now GamesCom and ShowCamscom: Awesome Indies will be an interactive way to deliver games developed independently to the global gaming community. Participating studios have the opportunity to feature in the prestigious opening show GameScam: Opening Night Live.

At GamesCom 2020, the makers of the Indy Arena Booth brought the popular collective stance to the digital world: in an interactive browser game, indie fans were able to explore the virtual levels of hundreds of indie studios lovingly designed and interact directly with those in charge.

This year IAP Online will now be exclusively “the most important part of the gamescam” on the gamescam. The IAB online site has been further developed and improved. Among other things, creating and maintaining a stand is simplified and a level system and sticker collection game are installed. This increases the motivation to discover the whole site. According to the press release, the size of the topics displayed has also been strengthened so that the participating topics get more attention.

Indie games have always been an integral part of gamescam – it also applies online. With the new GamesCom now further developed at the center is Indy Arena Booth Online, we are creating even greater awareness for Indians. In this way, we are jointly creating an innovative, interactive offer for the community in which the latest indie games can be found in an entertaining way. In conjunction with Devcom, Steam Festival or GameScom events, we are creating unique opportunities for indie developers throughout this digital year as well.

Tim Endress, Director Games Com

We are thrilled to be Gamescom’s exclusive indie partner for the first time this year. Through our more advanced online event framework, we offer many more opportunities for global indie developer viewers to interact with global audiences.

Valentina Birke, President of the Indy Arena Booth, and CEO Super Cred Wolf Long

Participants get 23 to 23 at IAP Online. August 25, 2021 offers more exclusive possibilities in collaboration with Devcom: In addition to the free Devcom commercial visitor ticket, studios have the opportunity to interact with selected business contacts and media, for example via the integrated video calling function. From August 26, 2021, IAP Online will now be accessible to everyone on GamesCam.

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Indies in Gamescom: Opening Night Live and Gamescom: Awesome Indies

Indie studios that are part of IAP Online have the opportunity to be invited to GameScom 2021’s show formats and present their games to the global gaming community. Gamescom: Awesome Indies show, launched in 2020, provides the perfect environment for this as the most exciting indie titles are shown, played and discussed by IGN indie experts. You have the opportunity to be invited to Gamescom Studio and provide a detailed overview of your own topic here. Particularly impressive: private studios selected by IAP Online and the team around Jeff Keeley will also have the opportunity to participate in the grand opening show GameScam: Opening Night Live, which will be able to offer their titles to millions of players.

The registration phase for IAP Online runs until May 27, 2021. Small and large digital stands are available from 1,000 euros. This includes many services such as playing position, participating in campaigns such as Devcom Tickets, Steam Festival, or the opportunity to present your own games to millions of viewers at gamescom shows. Interested studios can apply under the following link and find more details there:

Participation opportunities for all other organizations are available here: