NASA will launch two new missions to Venus.
NASA will return to explore Earth’s twin sister Venus
Earth and Venus are “sister” planets, but they evolved very differently, one of which turned into a volcanic hell and no oceans. NASA is considering two new missions to Venus to better understand the origin of these differences and to try to prove that volcanoes are still erupting on Venus at this moment. These tasks, Veritas And Da Vinci+, Are selected.
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Nuclear fusion: China’s artificial sun breaks its temperature record
Last December, the Chinese Tokamak, HL-2M hit 150 million degrees Celsius. This Friday, May 28th, another Chinese Tokamak, TheExperimental advanced superconducting Tokamak (East) did better. It reached 160 million degrees Celsius. But most of all, he was able to keep his plasma at 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds.
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What exactly is the black hole in the center of the Milky Way?
Our Milky Way – like all other large galaxies in the universe – has an amazing black hole at its center. He is betrayed by the gravitational effects he exerts on other objects. But researchers now believe that these effects could be explained by the presence of a cluster of dark matter.
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The first discovery of prehistoric carvings in Scotland
During an evening walk, an amateur archaeologist first stumbled upon some old animal carvings in Scotland.
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NASA explores the mysteries of cosmic ice with neutrons
The amorphous ice on Earth is not outside the labs, but on the surface of the cosmic dust or ice planets in the solar system. This is the site of a prebiotic chemistry that we want to understand in order to clarify the mystery of the origin of life.
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