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Music.  Tutorials, videos, and online courses... a didactic revolution or a pedagogic misstep?

Music. Tutorials, videos, and online courses… a didactic revolution or a pedagogic misstep?

Online courses, videos on Youtube, tutorials or even PDFs for download… Computers have grown significantly in the world of music education. What are the implications? How are teachers, music schools and conservatories adapting to these new practices?

Highlighting the existing dynamics, the health crisis and the restrictions that came with it have accelerated the development of computer equipment in teaching guitar and music in general. Proliferation of online courses, videos on Youtube, PDF for download… a huge amount of information is now available on the internet.
The emergence, growth and democratization of the Internet have profoundly shaken our relationship with knowledge.

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Music. “In the conservatory, it’s face-to-face, exchange and working together”

To paraphrase Claude Lévi-Strauss, the diversity of available information is undeniably leading to “significant changes in man’s relationship with nature.” The process of dematerialization facilitates not only the circulation but also the exchange of data, and hence the dissemination of knowledge across time and space, thus promoting simplified access to as many people as possible. The Internet, an ocean of knowledge, supports the emergence of knowledge societies, and then, in theory, a source of growth for all.

How to deal with this abundance of content without getting lost?

The long period of production and distribution, maturation and learning, is then replaced, the Internet forces, immediate, immediate, short time and everything, immediately.

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Music. “Every good autodidact ends, one day, with a lesson!”

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Rethinking teaching and learning

But in this sea of ​​information, it’s important to know how to sort through it. How to deal with this abundance of content without getting lost? Today, more than ever, it seems more essential to teach students how to learn. Learning by doing is one of the pillars of the method of Karim Kanal, musician and teacher of Rodez and Villefranche-de-Royergue. “The urgent need for change within the existing so-called conservatories and music schools will soon see them obsolete,” he promises.

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Music. For Karim Kanal (Teacher), “It is necessary to change the provision of education”.

Both viewer and actor, the computer tool prompts, provides and undeniably requires interaction with content broadcast online. For teachers, human interaction and the relationship between the “teacher” and the student are non-transformative, interactive.

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Music. Julian Lopez: “The Internet is an extra tool! »